Danville thread label

I have a dozen or so spools of Danville tying thread that I purchased about 4 years ago. Why is is that they don’t write the color on the label and why do they use cheap adhesive to adhere the label to the spool? All of the labels are curling and falling off. :mad: As I write this I am using CA glue to attach them permanently. What a pain!

Buy a Sharpie “Twin Tip” and use the fine tip to write the size on all the spool. I never need to write the color it shows----BILL

They do it so you will buy more thread. They gave you 4 years to use it, they figure it’s time for you buy new thread.

uummm why do you need a word on a label to tell you what color the thread is???

You know fellas,

Color blindness is more common than you think. In 15 years at my last job I ran into 8 people that were color blind. Seeing colors is something we who can see colors all take for granted.


Well, there’s a simple solution here…let’s ask him if he’s colorblind???

Back in the old days when Danville used slick, shinny plastic spools, their thread labels were often loose and detached before I even opened my box of newly purchased fly tying goodies. In fairness to Danville their new labels stay on a whole lot better though they still don’t list the thread color. I still have 10-12 old Monocord (?) spools with missing labels and indeterminate sizes. 8T :slight_smile:

Years ago before I switched to Gudebrod with the thread size embossed on the spool, I tried using a permanent marker on my Danville thread to mark the size but after awhile my marks (3 lines for 3/0, no lines for 6/0) rubbed off the spools. So if you try that method you MAY need to overcoat the markings or come up with something else.

They really should go to a color coded spool. While I realize that would drive up cost the benefits are obvious. UNI has color coded labels which is a help.

Hi Bamboozle,

Uni thread is great with the thread color printed right on the spool and the size printed in big numbers. Very easy to find the right size and color. 8T :slight_smile:


To tell you how dumb I am; when I used to use UNI thread I never realized the labels were color coded! :oops:

Maybe my and your post will help to enlighten similarly challenged users of UNI. :wink:

No I am not colorblind. One of the reason I wish they labeled the color is when I am in fly swaps I give the brand name, size and color of the thread I used.


I actually detected the color code all on my own but only because I keep all my thread in a shallow, drawer with the label end up. If I had one of those thread spinners, I never would have seen it. 8T :slight_smile:

I feel you’re pain i’m color blind too. Betty and bluegill22 help me when their is no color on
on the lable. And My wife pickes my clothes somtimes because i clash.

Being a color challenged male, not color blind, I appreciate the descriptive color label that helps me differentiate between tobacco brown, camel brown, and rust when I’m trying to find the thread color specified for a particular pattern. It also makes reordering a lot easier when I run out of a color that I particularly like. Color labeled thread = Good. 8T :slight_smile: