Dangling Legs in Cold Water

And we’re supposed to go fishing tomorrow. The older I get, the more mamby pamby I become.


The water is warmer than the snow…hope that helps.



As an old drill sergeant once said, “Suck it up Cupcake!” Heck, very soon you will be roasting over there in the summer heat (if it ever comes). Fish love to bite in the cold, go out and get em.

Larry —sagefisher—

After the first hookup you won’t even notice the cold or snow. Get out there Joe. It does a soul good.

I showed Dodie your picture. She said to tell you … It Sucks to be YOU! Then she proceeded to almost pass out laughing. It doesn’t take much to amuse my little parsnip flower.

That’s an interesting fence pattern you have going for you Joe.

How come even though I live 100 miles north of you In reportedly the coldest country in the world and still I always have better weather than you do? Not only does that snow look cold it looks wet too. I have gotten to the point where I only go outside if its really nice, not just a little nice, but really nice. The older I get the woosier I get… Ps. is woosier a word?
Luv Roger & Dodie.

Yep, it was snowing this morning, but we went fishing anyhow. The weather turn out great. See the Amber Lake Eastern Washington post in the “Fishing Reports” forum.

Socks. Pants would probably be a good idea, too. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve seen Joe in the flesh and I too would reccommend socks and pants, yep definatey socks and pants.

You know you’re heading for geezerhood when you consider socks more important than pants…
