Dan Craft Sig. V 8' 6" 4 piece 3 wt.

I just wanted to let my fellow fly fishers know that this is a fabulous light line trout rod. I fished it allot last week in California’s eastern Sierra and just had a blast with it. It used it from the tube in lakes midging and fished dries and nymphs in several streams. I caught fish up to 17" with it and it preformed flawlessly. It has a wonderful medium fast action and will cast long and short with ease. I use a Rio classic trout WF3 F line on it and it seemed to be a great combination. I have had several 3 wts. from Sage and Scott and like this rod best of all. If anyone is looking for a 3 wt. rod, you might want to give this rod some serious thought. I know at this time Dan is out of stock on this blank, as it seems to be one of his most popular rods. I think my next build will be a Sig. V 9’ 4 piece 4 wt., I have heard great things about this blank.


I have the Sig V 8’4" 3/4 wt 3 pc.
I agree its a really nice rod.

I, too, have the “old” Sig V 8’4" 3/4 wt and it is my favorite rod by a large margin. I’m really glad to hear the new Sig V line is as nice. I am looking at upgrading my 6 weight, and might have to consider it along with the FT line.