Damon Rods

Has anyone had any experience with a Damon fly rod?

What can you tell us about them?

Dear JMoody,

While I have personally never used or even cast one I have seen quite a few people praise them over the years.

They may not be well known outside of the NE US since the rod builder is from upstate NY but rest assured he has a following.

For informational purposes only and not an endorsement here is a link to their website.


Best Wishes,
Avalon :smiley:

Hello everyone!!!
I’m new to the board, but not fly fishing. I’ve been fly fishing for about 15 years.
Damon Rods:
I own a custom Royal 9ft 4wt.(Cuaght my first Greenback Cutthroat on it!!) They do not make the Royal anymore. It could be considered a medium action rod. Kind of like a cross between a Sage LL and RPL.
Tim Damon is a great guy to deal with.
I also used to own a Damon Pro Staff prototype. It was like an XP, but a little heavy in the tip.
Overall, Damon Rods a very good rods with great craftsmanship. They will let you choose the reel seat, thread color and even personalize the rod.

Hi, I’m new to this site, and saw this post. I ordered a Damon rod about a year ago. 9’ 4 wt and was not to happy about the way it cast. I have several med to fast action rods. I do not wish to offend any one but it was the worst casting rod I have ever had in my hands. The Damon just felt dead, if I could think of a better term I would. The rod was done very well with nice wraps and reel seat. I sold it on Ebay for a loss. If you are thinking of buying one I think you should cast it first. Mark

Welcome PinkGirl3030 and one2fish!
The only thing i’ve heard about the Damon’s was from a friend. He had problems with their blanks not holding up.

Remember, as we learn more about casting, our opinions of rods will change. I understand and do appreciate both of those last two comments as they were sincere, and for each, accurate. Thanks to you both. Please continue to keep posting here. :smiley: