Daiwa Master Tenkara L rods released Nov 2018

The Master Tenkara L [ マスター テンカラ L ] rods are now listed on their webpage this time round, with release date of Nov 2018 [2018.11 デビュー]. Two rods, both 3.6m in length. The LL 36 & LT 36.

The rods only have 4 segments. Thus a longer collapsed length of 99.2 cm, about 1m. Weight 78g and 80g.

Pricey rods, both list for 46,000 JPY ~ $408.
I did not find them listed yet on any commercial websites. Maybe retailers will list them at lower than Daiwa?s list price.

Developed by Katayama Etsuji-san tester [片山悦二さんテスター ]. Who calls it a ?中継テンカラ竿?, that I am guessing means a mid flex (middle segment) rod. The same 中継 term is used in the description of the Expert L tenkara rods.

Each rod has a different type of tip. First segment. LL 36 (Tubular tip), LT 36 (mega top tip). That from the description indicates the difference is to enhance the use of light level line or tapered line, and why they should work better with the different type lines.


Enjoy, :smiley: