Curious about an update on the ultimate 12

Went and looked today after reading the post below, and recommendations from a few people…
I was initially attracted to an inflatable (adv elem exped), but found that I needed more open cockpit space - I have an almost 4 y.o. son, so I liked the ultm 12 because of that, like the previous poster.
My need is inshore or mild open water use, distances up to say 3 miles - light chop - 2 feet seas - mainly transport to different spots, but also the occasional drift or anchoring in or near deeper channels - in other words, tose last 100 yards, that you can’t reach when wading.
With respect to the ult 12 - would all you “salts” out there get the skirts, and if so which ones make the biggest difference bow or stern. Also how about their anchoring system - worth it?
I have found said boat locally in the 2008 model, with the retractable skeg for 749.00 - reasonable??? (not the angler version- just the plain solo.)
How does it perform in seas???
Lots of questions, I know, but I’ve found you guys to give great input, so…
Thanks in advance

Well, I will answer what I know. The deal stand to get on the 2008 is a good one. New they went for over 800 and the 2009 model is over 900. I got a 2009 for the price of a 2008. So, under 800 on the 08 is a good deal.

My 5 year old son fits perfect in mine. I just need a folding camp chair for him to sit on. He can toward the front and hang on to the cross bar.

I have put mine in the water twice since I had it and its very smooth and stable. Paddles great. Tracks well. Easy to control while fishing.

As for the salt, I don’t know. I do know however that there are no scuppers. So, if you get water in it, the water is in it until you get to shore and turn it over. IT does have a drain plug in the gunwale so when you turn it over to drain it will actually drain. A sit on top will have scuppers and will work better in the surf - at least that’s my understanding. I do anticipate taking mine to the beach on vacation but for inshore flats fishing for reds and specs and not in any chop. Don’t know about the spray skirts. Probably will not get any for mine.

So far, I really like mine. Its everything I have read and been told it is. Its also relatively light weight - 60 lbs with seat - and I can lift it to the top of a Chevy Yukon by myself without getting a hernia (yet!)

Hope all this rambling helps.

The ultimate 12 is an excellent boat in inshore salt situations. I have two issues with it. First, I like to sit sidesaddle and cast sometimes and quickly slip off when necessary. You can’t do this in the ultimate, but this is a personal preference. The second issue is taking water over the bow in heavy chop. This is a pain since ultimates don’t drain like SOT’s. This can be remedied by a bow skirt over the front of the cockpit. I know several ultimate owners that have this. There is no reason to put a skirt over the rear.

Thanks guys, figured the bow skirt would be a god idea, and sounds like a small bilge pump might not be bad either - plenty of storage space.
Thanks again…

I have one. Love it! I use mine in lakes and slow-moving streams. Extremely stable and very comfortable…and DRY!

I carry a detergent bottle, the kind with a built in handle, with the bottom cut off for quick bailing…you can move alot of water pretty fast. Just a thought.

I have an ultimate 14 tandem that i use for inshore fishing. I’ve taken it into open water when it was calm. I would not take it in 2 foot seas, even with a skirt. I use my Tarpon 140 when rain is predicted or if i’m heading to open water that i antcipate to be choppy. Thats just me.
I really like the ultimate, however I’m very leary of the boat filling with water. I owned the Tarpon 140 before I bought the ultimate. So I had the advantage of having both a SOT and adding the hybrid type SINK ultimate. I would not recommend the ultimate to take into 2 foot seas.
If you’re looking for a boat that you can take your son in and will drain any water that can get in the boat, take a look at the magic. there is less room in the magic, but it is more of a SOT kayak that drain water that gets inside the boat. Native makes the magic in a 12 foot one man and a 14 foot version that can be both single or tandem. Plus with the magic, you still get native’s super comfy seats
As to the angler version; don’t buy it. heavy markup on accessories you can add yourself. Plus half the fun is accessorizing your yak the way you want.