This just in from Central Iowa, An antidote may have been found for the dreaded VFR. (Viking Fish Repellant)
I just realized, it’s been many trips since I’ve been skunked. Now I may only get small ones, but I get 'em. And that’s a big change. So either I’m getting smarter at this fishing stuff or the fish are getting dumber
Hi Dave, I mostly fish the SW corner of Ada Hayden Lake in Ames, it is the easiest water for me to get to during lunch, which is the only time I have to fish. The bad part is the brush at waters edge is getting over 7’ tall, the algea starts just 3’ off shore and I’m stuck on the bank.
Been fishing Griffiths Gnats, EHC, Gurgle Pops, Muddlers, been on the surface mostly, just can’t resist the sound gills make taking stuff off the top. Catching Bluegills, Green Sunfish, and Bass.
Was out Tuesday and noticed alot of small hoppers- 3/16 of in inch long, too small for me to imitate- but it means hopper time is coming!
I’m sorry to inform you … there is no antidote for VFR. Like I said, I’m sorry, but someone had to tell you. It is conceivable that with the brush getting higher, and the yuck stuff growing thicker, that the fish just plain didn’t realize it was you doing the fishing. You simply blended in to the background. It’s a terrible thing, that VFR, but once a Viking, always a Viking!
swap the helmet with horns for a beanie with a propeller on top and increase your catch instantly. if nothing else, everyone else will slowly move away from you and leave that area for you to fish alone.