crystal meth

pink diamond braid and chartreuse krystal flash size 10.

…But Yogi…Mr. Ranger will get mad if we use contraband substances for our fly fishing in Jellystone Park !!!

Tweeking Trout Indeed !!! LMAO

Could you tell me how you make those loops and keep them so tight?


I tried to use it at jellystone once but that tweaker boo boo ripped off my stash when I was playin a fish! lol. bill, you can either use a bodkin(sharp pointy tool) to make the loops or once you get the idea just pinch the right amount with your fingers. heres a video to help

The name of the fly is terrible.

Not cool, not cute,

I am truly offended that you would promote
this garbage anywhere – (ie: junk-methadone ) any idea of this drugs affects on our children…? our sports future?

You indeed may be a nice person but it reflects poor

Steve Molcsan

ps: I do not wish to start any kind of dialog about it only being a name
as just those two words being of this board is an insult…

Yeah you could call it “Lusy in the sky with diamonds” or “Strawberry fields forever”.

You could also get naughty and call it “Inside p**** pink” or ipp for short, the color is in that way :wink:

This thread is gonna get crazy…

Steve, I’d have to agree with you about the name of the fly, but fishaholic didn’t name it. He’s just posting what it’s called. I don’t think it’s a lapse of judgement on his part, but rather that of the creator.

Thorarinna, that’s just gross.

I didn’t name the fly so don’t get smart with me and scream at me about it. I don’t got poor judgement. I tie whats suppose to work and actually catch stuff with it. that sounds like great judgement to me! this is a great lakes steelhead fly imitation of a sucker spawn for murkey waters. I don’t know who the heck named it? maybe its called that cause it looks crystally and steelhead bite it alot like they are addicted? who knows? who cares as long as it catches fish. if it bothers you that bad then don’t tie one up. oh and by the way heres some orange meth! yum yum! eat um up!

It gets to be so ridiculous after awhile. Granted, as a teacher, I am against any type of drug use !!! At the same time, using a certain name, or the way you tie the fly, what materials you use, how you fly fish, how expensive is your rod…on and on and on an on in ad nauseum. Everything in the name of political correctness has transcended the point of anal. The Beatles could now title their song, “Look at all the anal people” !!!
Luckily, in my solitude of fly fishing and the secluded streams that I fish, the only thing the trout or any other fish judge me on is if the fly pattern is appealing to them (not its’ name or what materials I use), how well I presented the fly and my casting (not how expensive and brand name of fly rod or any other product connected there such). Thank God I can still laugh at this crazy world even when I am at my secluded peaceful streams. Luckily, I have not become so anal and caught up in the world’s “political correctness” to lose sight at the beauty that fly fishing has offered me. If it ever came to that point that a bug crawls up “meeee bum”, I shall high tail it to a proctologist, have the doc immediately extract it, tie it to the end of a tippet, and try to catch a huge trout (how’s that for politically correct).
I forgot to say before, and without humor…in a politically correct manner, nice bit of tying there on your …er…glorified…sparkle…sucker…spawn. Should catch you a beauty of a trout. Tight Lines for 2009 !!!

lol! ain’t that the truth! I am not promoting anything. it is what it is. you can make it and call it anything you want if you don’t agree with what the original guy named it… it is a real fly. look it up if you don’t believe me. I didn’t tie it for the name, I tied it cause steelhead like it. I share every fly I tie with all the forums I am a part of and I was just doing the same here. not trying to disrespect anyone.

now that I think about it can you really call it something different? its kind of like the adams with no wings? is it still a adams? according to the other thread its not a real adams so that means this fly is what it is unless you don’t make wings on it. basically you got to add or subtract something from it and then you can call it something different. haha

It always amazes me that someone would get offended at the name of a fly or other things. I do have a box full of crystal meth flies that I used to use in Lake Ontario and other areas when I lived in Rochester, NY. I never heard any one get offended by the name. My favorite fly for trout here is called Trout Crack. There is also a fly called Montreal Whore I am sure someone finds these names offensive also. But they are all flies made for fishing they are made to catch fish not to offend anyone. John

Next up…The Bitch Creek Nymph

haha I heard of the bitch creek before. i have a 3wt bitch creek fly rod.

Do you mean we have to rename “THE SEADUCER?” The “Green Weenie” has dirty connotations, too.

I vouch for CRYSTAL METH, steelhead just love 'em.
Tie on, people, tie on!

Point taken, and I am in full agreement not that it matters now that the can of worm is open… lol


What’s in a name?

Sometimes nothing.

Sometimes a lot.

There are many names that would be totally inappropriate for people to use. That is why there are restrictions (I hope) on what names we can call ourselves on FAOL. Some names would be racist, demeaning, and just plain offensive to the average person.

I opened the link to check out the You-Tube video demonstration on tying this fly. What I didn’t like were all the other videos they were saying related to that one, videos about the actual drug, methamphetamine.

The person who first named that fly should have thought of the implications. He/she didn’t. I saved the fly as I want to tie some but I simply renamed the fly.

If this fly is placed in the archives on FAOL, I would hope the name would be changed.

Yes, sometimes there is a lot in a name, either a lot of good or a lot of bad.

Larry —sagefisher—

you can’t change the name of the original pattern just cause you don’t agree with the name. people were just arguing that a adams isn’t the original pattern without wings added so if thats true then that means this original pattern is still a crystal meth no matter what until you make another variation of it by adding or subtracting something from it… I really don’t care and don’t see what the big fuss is all about. its just a name. I mean if you wanna call it crystally sucker spawn then I guess its ok but its basically like calling a cheeseburger a hotdog. even tho its still a cheeseburger no matter what. to me it is what it is and theres nothing any of us do can about it no matter how much someone disagrees or dislikes the name. Mr Adams would be pretty p’d off if someone made his fly and called it the Smith Fly or something and stole his idea… I think the reason that stupid stuff pops up on youtube is because you put your own tags in there so if he typed crystal, meth, fly, fishing then whoever else used those tags will then be found to be related to it. maybe this fly will help people by making them not wanna take the drug. shoot! all I got to see is look at the nasty teeth video in the related section and that makes me never want to try the stuff right there. haha, maybe from now on there should be a disclaimer on this fly. it should read we encourage you to use meth the fly. not meth the drug responsibly. please take caution when using this fly. steelhead might come knocking on your door at 3 in the morning looking for 2nd’s… have a fun day and tight lines.