Crooked River/Central Oregon

I was finally able to get a little fly fishing in. First since September and boy was a raring to go. I decided on the Crooked River below Bowman Dam just upstream from Prineville, Oregon. This part of the Crooked is easy to wade and has a great population of whitefish & redband trout (a redband is like a rainbow).

Anyhow we had some wonderful weather in Oregon, the river was in excellent shape and the fishing was excellent - but the catching was poor. I fished for about 8 hours over 2 day period and hooked 7 fish, landing 5, all whitefish. The lack of fish while disappointing was minor compared to the oppotunity to get on the river again. Watching bald eagles, otters and other wild life made the whole trip worth while. Talking with the local fishermen they were also not doing worth a hoot and they stated fishing is usually better. Last time I fished the Crooked, a couple of years back, I caught 70 fish in two days.

So - the Crooked is a great place to try a fly and forget the winter for a few hours. Water level is critical as releases from the dam vary. Release around 100 ft per second or lower is usually the best. Here is a link to the amount of water being released:

A good way to get out and have some fun.



That kinda stinks. All the reports I’ve read over the past few months had been otherwise encouraging; seemed like the fish were making a comeback. When I was out there in August I did pretty well up by the dam, some whitefish but mostly trout.

Hope you can get yourself more time on the water!


Nothing wrong with the Crooked. Maybe I had my head in the wrong place or maybe the fish were taking a day off or maybe Montana Moose told the sea kittens I was coming and they got lockjaw. Anyway, circumstances permitting I will go back next month and give it another shot. It is really a nice place to fish.


The Crooked trout population has fallen off in the recent years and is no longer known for the anybody at any time can catch a fish. If you know the water well you will find the trout. I have not fished the Crooked for awhile it’s been to cold however come Late Febuary and March the fishing starts to pick up to midges and BWO hatches get the fish looking up. This past fall was a good year for the Mahogany Duns and had fish looking up.

Hello redband, welcome to the board…I liked the Crooked the one time I went there…also
below Bowman. I did ok for July 5th and I can
see the potential.

Gotta ask, what’s the weather like late Feb, early March please? That’s when the lmb start
here…I can always tell when it’s time to go because I’ve just had to finally mow the lawn.

Oh, was also wondering what it’s like below the bridge on 97 or is that not doable? Mostly curious but it sure looked good from the parking area.



The Crooked can be reallly good or really bad in late Feb or March with March being the better of the two months if you want some better detailed maps and the hatch charts I can help with that?

Thanks redband…nice of you to offer, though I know how to get there and all…I was just wondering what it’s like down there in the canyon below 97 or if’n a body can even get there and if it’s still trouty there…or what !

Great offer on the hatch charts too…I prolly carry seven of everything when I leave town not to mention at least 4 to 6 rods and reels plus the road tying box and several tons of other gear. Maybe see you up there sometime redband !



i fished there in september below the dam and the water and the water was so murky that i couldnt see the bottom at all. is that normal, what might have caused it. i still caught a half dozen trout nothing over twelve. i was just supprised that they could see anything at all. they all took on drys it was fun. i think i was fishing at this place called chimney rock.

From what I have read & seen the Crooked is most always off color. This is caused by sediment being stirred up at the dam during discharge (Don’t remember where I read that).

This last trip the water was quite clear and I could see the bottom up to about 3 ft.


The color of the water is actually caused from the source being a clay base ground the setiment that is in the water stays suspended in the water column there are times of the year when the Crooked flows pretty clear for the most part. the source of the Crooked is Big Summit Prarie in the Ochoco Mountains.