Cowlitz River Fish In

I am thinking of trying to put together a Fish In for the cowlitz river for sometime in October. I have check out the camp ground in the area and the Mossy Rock camp ground looks to be the nices, it give access to Mayfield, Riff and one other lake. It also close to the Cowlitz between Riff and Mayfield lakes, with in 15 mile for the launch at the salmon hatchory at bairer dam and the trout hatchory at Blue Creek. That time of year you have a chance at Coho, searun Cutts and Steelhead below the bairer dam. The lakes hold quite a verity of other fish to throw a fly at. Now if any one has information on this area or input on this Idea please feel free to throw your two cents in.

What city would be nearest to the fish In?

Okay I found Mossyrock Wa. near the Cowlitz about an 8 hour drive for me. Not too bad. Its farther than CWFI but not as far as Lowell. I love fishing Coho and Steelies, just never done it on a flyrod yet. The Mossyrock campground looks good also. I am assuming that the October date would find the campground mostly empty. Yes? No?

Would one need a boat for the fish in or is there some good bank fishing? I have a 6wt which is probably too light for Coho. Might be able to borrow a bigger rod. I have a pontoon boat for small lakes and ponds I could bring.
The world needs more fish ins. This one looks good to me.

Gnu ,
a pontoon would work for the lakes and the cowlitz the way I understand is a moderate float so it should work on the river below the bairer dam, the Mossy rock camp ground has group camp site fulsh tolit and shower, plus access to a kitchen site.

Gnu bee, check your mileage again, CWFI is a lot closer to you than SW Washington.

Larry —sagefisher—

Yep yer right I got them switched around.

Looks like I can sleep in my bed and attend this one. hope my bed still isnt a sleeping bag in a tent. I’m moving on monday and will be puting my household in storage untill I can find a place to buy/rent. and will be camping untill such time. from the map it looks like an hour drive.

I told my wife I was going to spend my first six months (we negotiated down to two months) fishing to decompress before I seriously look for a job.


who would be interested in a fish in on the cowlitz river in washington???

I wish I could.I love the Mossyrock,Morton and Randall area.
I haven’t been there in a few years but the locals have always treated me really well.
touristy but with the small town feel.


VEE and I are in for this one. The Cowlitz is a great river for Sea Run Cutts, Steelhead and Salmon. A pontoon boat is ideal for the Cowlitz. At that time of year the river is low and a great float runs from Blue Creek to Mission. You don’t want to miss the take out though. It’s a long float to the next take out.

Gray -

If it is really early October, like within a week or ten days of the Idaho Fish In, I would be interested, combining it with a trip to see my daughter in Seattle and a friend in NW Oregon.

Do you have any dates set, so I can either rule it out or give it some more attention ??


I am working on it, if there is enough interest in it. Right now I am looking in to the possability of trying to put one together. I am still trying to run down information on motels and hotels in the area, also what kind of eating place in the area, I know we all dont want to eat camp cooking all the time lol

Ray, dont forget campgrounds for those that like to “rough” it!


check out Mossy Rock camp grounds which is the one I am thinking of, lol read my first post.
Ghost, (Ray)

I have never seen you “rough it”, Steve, well perhaps except for that large Caddis fly that landed in your Cocktail and the ensuing fight for ownership. :lol:

I did notice that there were some rough it campsites near the Campground GreyGhost was investigating.

set some dates. Sounds like it would be fun! Just remenber I dont go fishing without Miss Lady, should I bring a boat for REE & VEE or just a toon?


Boat, as in drift, I’ll even help with the shuttle. I’ll share my favorite spots with you, flies too for that matter. Sea Run Cutties and late summer steel should be in the river then and prime fishing time.

REE, I’m open to all of that! dates dont matter, lets just make sure there are fish in the river! Let GG set the dates… looks like I’ll be there!


I might be able to make this one. It will depend on the dates selected.



Do you know the river well enough to be a navigator for a jet jockey? Perhaps I could bring the sled down.


Ron, sounds like Kerry is offering a nice deal! We do have at least two days!