At wal mart we used to sell cortalnd tippet in a green spool, does cortland still carry it or does one of our sponors sell it on here?
Cortland has made excellent tippets forever - and they still are. You might check “Products” on their website. They are a Sponsor here S
Tim, try Hook and Hackle they have courtland tippet.
LF I did check on Cortlands Sight, on the drop down list, they had Leader and tippet and when I click on it, it comes up no product found… I’ll give HH a call today rainbowchaser ,they got that $5.00 shipping thing going on this weekend I think…
$5 to ship a spool of tippet is outrageous.
better make a large order.
beware, you may not always receive what you pay for.
I know norman I was just adding that in thinking I may make a larger order, but thank you for wanting to be helpful. HH has always been very good to me…
oh yeah and on Cortland’s sight, they do give a place to order a cataloge and I went ahead and did that…
Unless you’re absolutely sold on Cortland tippet, you might want to check out Thye have Rio tippet for $1.31 per spool in 3x - 6x I’ve used the Rio and it’s very good material. Just a thought…
Jim Smith
Heres a good one, I have gotten my companies mixed up lol, the tippet I am looking for in the green spool I think is made by SA "Crystal River"l … oh well, still I’m looking for it cause it works really well for me, does not coil up much (easy if it does to shtraighten out), and don’t cost alot of money, knots well for me too…
oK I found old spools so I gota fix what I have posted… The brown Tippet I have " IS" Cortland Fairplay, The green spool of tippet I liked so much “IS NOT” Crystal River, it “IS” Cortland Precission II, I had thought it was crystall river because I have backing that is on a green spool that looks alot like it and thought the tippet was the same but “IS NOT”. The SA came in cause I have SA… The whole thing amonts to I should have looked more closely b-4 i posted the question…lol At any rate, “It Is” The Cortland precission II tippet “I Like” so much and was looking for and have found. Thank you all for helping out and sorry for any confusion I may have caused…:):)