Corps of Engineers vs Little Red River

Last fall and most of the winter the Little Red in Arkansas was unfishable due to constant releases from Greers Ferry Dam by the Corps. Arkansas had an unusualy wet spring and summer and the lake was high.
This 24/7 release pattern put fly shops out of business, closed some outfitters and docks, killed some other local businesses and resorts. This year it is just the opposite; no water and the corp is holding back. The river is so low that the browns cannot make it into the shoals to spawn and still no releases. There is wadeable water but the fish are missing and into the deep pools. No rain and no releases is making this winter look barren also. I’m going to try again this week in hopes of finding the right pool at the foot of a shoal.

Several years ago i ran into this low water situation that i’d never seen before but i was able to walk the bank where i couldn’t normally which put me in position to cast big leech patterns into the big pool at tje creek inlet. Result was a nice 26" brown that was obviously staged and waiting to spawn. Talk about a vicious strike.

