Cork Seal

What is the best method for applying cork seal and can you apply it to assembled rods?


The last time I did it I just took a small brush like you might put on the epoxy with and put it on. As I recall you can only do one coat. Yes you can put it on an assembled rod. It it has been used I would take some sap and water and clean the seat, let it dry thoroughly and put it on.

Is right about the one coat and applying it with a brush. I have cleaned up a used, slightly dirty cork grip by lightly sanding and applying cork seal.
Tip: Seal the cork first and you be handling it a lot during the construction of the rod. I slide the grip on the butt section and use my rod turner to give it a nice even coat.

I like to apply a light coat of linseed oil thinned 50/50 with mineral spirits.

It protects the cork from dirt without a surface film. Just apply a light coat with a lint free rag and let is sit overnight.

I even do this to an old rod after cleaning up the cork with a mild abbrasive such as ‘Soft-Scrub’, makes then look like new!