Cork Ring Availability

Can anyone validate the following story? I was made aware that Portugese cork rings are becoming in short supply due to the clearing of lands along a river where the cork is harvested from a species of oak. It seems a bridge was built across the river allowing builders to clear and sell homesites which destroyed the aged oaks. At least this is the story a rodbuilder friend of mine was told by his supplier as a reason for long backorders on cork rings.

I heard it is global warming causing all the trouble 8)


Well, not to burst a well told story … I can get ALL the cork my heart desires - but the price is enough to make one sick. I am paying over $2.00 per inch for anything my customer’s want and $3.00 per inch for anything to be proud of. Those are WHOLESALE prices, not retail.

Right now many distributors/dealers are holding out for better pricing from the supplier(s) - there isn’t going to be better pricing, it is going to get worse.

Like a guy once said, ‘Give me some leverage and I’ll sell the world’.

