Contemplating Selling

I have contemplated selling two of my books. I have not listed any prices as one book is just about impossible to buy. I am looking for feedback as to whether there would be interest in either of these two books. If you know the books, or research them, you will undrestanding pricing.

  1. A Handbook Of North Country Trout Flies. Roger Fogg, 1st addition, I am sole owner as I purchased it new. It is in perfect condition.

  2. Clyde Style flies. John Reid I am sole owner. Perfect condition.

Please offer any feed back of interest.

i just recently purchased a brand new “clyde style flies”.

roger fogg recently released a new wet fly book that i’ll most likely buy and i have “art of the wet fly” and “a handbook of north country flies”.

Good books you have there Normand. The Handbook of North Country Trout Flies is just about unobtainable unless you would find a copy from a private source.

I am sure there are people interested in both your books. I would like to have them as well, but cannot afford anything now. I bet you can find a buyer on here, no doubt.

Softhackler just tried selling the same books and only a few went on here. The rest went on ebay

Hey Rookie … I have a copy of Clyde Style flies, but may be interested in the North Country Trout Flies. What were you thinking of as far as price goes?

I was only able to locate one pricing, in the UK … ?9.50. (errr … that’s supposed to show BP9.50, don’t know why it wouldn’t take on here)

Betty, thanks for the interest. that listing on the UK has been there for qite sometime. I really don’t know what this book is worth. I haven’t been able to find any kind of pricing on it. Maybe we could get Ree to help.

Ree, if you get this could you help Betty and myself come up with a price? Make it fair for Betty.

Thought I would bump this just for fun. I was able to just recently find a used copy of this book on Amazon for $211.00.

I just checked my sources for Fogg’s book and it was over $200 and only available in the UK (additional shipping). I got my copy for GBP 9.50 a couple of years ago, but that was a fluke. Thanks to Donald Nicolson for alerting me to the fluke.

It’s up to youse guys.


Check out this link:

bb77, I believe, to the best of my knowledge, this book is just now beginning to hit the “Used” market. Abe books and amazon are the only listings I have seen since I originally bought the book. It is interesting as to the big price difference between the two companies. Probably just have to wait and see what the market actually bares as the book will only be worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


It is my understanding that books that are new or unsold have to be sold as new at the cover listed price, hence my copy for GBP 9.50 from some books discovered in a bookstore store room or some such thing. Copies that have been sold previously can be sold as used and command whatever price the market will bear

Ron, that was my understanding as well and that was how my copy was obtained. If I am not mistaking, a skid was found in a warehouse somewhere and they went on the market. I heard they didn’t last very long either.