Hey Guys, I will be online for the next while only while at work, my Imac has finaly died, it was however 10 years or so old and has never before given me any trouble. A new one is about $2,500nz so it may take me some time to save up my pennies!
Of course being a clever bugger I have no back-ups for my email addresses or any of my pics etc but hopefully I will be able to salvage anything I need as I think the problem is with the screen not the hard drive. My own stupid fault but thanks for the chance to vent.
On the plus side I plan to actualy do some fly fishing for a few days at the end of the month, Hoorah!
All the best.
i believe you can run an auxillary screen off of it till you get a new one.
Yes, unless its the video card, but I will try to see if the I.T. guy at work has a spare screen he can try on it.
Sorry to hear of your computer problems. Hopefully it’s just the screen. But, as you say, at least you get a chance to go fishing. I hear the weather has been pretty warm in Aucklad this year. I’m waiting for the thaw to begin. Will be a few months yet.
- Jeff
Mike -
If it ain’t one thing, it’s another. Sounds to me like you’re supposed to go fishing !!
Most likely it isnt your hard drive, and even if your hard drive is “broken” it might only be broken when used as the “master”. Any computer shop should be able to pull the hard drive out for you and transfer the files for a pretty cheap price, I would think something like that would cost around 50 US dollars if you shop around.
I blame it all on the Nerds.
I just took mine out the back to a clear space, gave my wife and daughter a couple of boxes of ammunition and filled that puppy so full of holes that I feel real good.
NSFW language
HaHa Gringo, you’ve seen how small my back yard is, I think I might need a very small calibre pea shooter!
All the best.
You guys are missing one very obvious fact here. The computer is 10 years old. I’ve had 3 “new” computers in the past 10 years. In computer technology years 10 years is a LOOOOOONG time.
Quite right Host Ray, thats why I will eventualy replace it with another Mac, probably second hand but maybe new.
All the best.
They still make them?