Comments on Reel

I am looking at buying a Cortland Endurance Fly Reel, for light Saltwater and heavy Freshwater fishing. 10wt, can any on you comment on this real have any of you tried it out. Thanks for any comments John

Yessir, I have one on my eight wt rod. I like the looks of it and the feel of it as well. No fish have tested it yet, however. Hopefully, someone who has used the drag on their reel will chime in here. My reel is the Koma Vision, just a labeling difference, but still a Cortland Endurance. The spools slip on and off easily and the drag adjusts nicely. The reeling knob and the drag adjustment knob are oversized, a nice rubber compound that is easy to grip, and a feature I wish other reels had. It make handling the reel a pleasure.

Thanks for the comments Paul, I too like the looks of it. I also like the backing capacity. John

John, as you probably have noticed, the Endurance is a wide reel and that might not be to some folk’s liking, but it works for me. Yes, the line capacity is good. I have no fear the the steelhead I am going to catch (soon!) will take all of my line. It sure is fun shopping for new gear.

Ah, the purpose of winter.