Sometimes we forget the price paid by families waiting for Dad, and sometimes Mom, to come home.
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Sometimes we forget the price paid by families waiting for Dad, and sometimes Mom, to come home.
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Wonderful, just wonderful, I cried, for the whole thing, remembering all the times my sons and Ann, did that arms wide open , running towards me run, wonderful…
Thanks so much, if anyone has something they’d like to post with Memorial Day coming up, we certainly would welcome it.
Oh man, I started to watch this, but I will have to finish watching at home. Too powerful to watch at work.
Bravo Uncle Jesse
Thanks, Uncle Jesse.
I watched the FIRST 10 seconds and " got the drift" .Decided that puffy eyes would be diffficult to explain at a meeting scheduled for 10:00 AM. I’ll continue watching this evening. YES, I do take MEMORIAL DAY seriously . It’s
not just hamburgers, hot dogs , potato salad and beer.
Uncle Jesse, Thanks for posting this.
Uncle Jesse,
You always seem to know just what I need to see or hear. Thank you for posting that. It reminds me of two very special homecomings for me. The first one happened in 1973 at the Pittsburgh International Airport. I will never forget the look on the Gunny’s face as he sees his 8 year old nephew saluting him as he comes down the jet way. I didn’t care what the people around me were saying. He fought in Korea and Vietnam. He was and still is my hero!
Flash forward 11 years and now it is me coming down that jet way in my Class A Dress Greens after a tough deployment. I have no girlfriend at the time but my kid sister comes bolting down the jet way and literally leaps into my arms. She is just a little thing at all of 5’4", 90 pounds so I am carrying her down the jet way. People are looking on respectfully but one man stands out. He has a hand raised to the corner of his ball cap that declares him a Vietnam Veteran! He looks at me, mouths the words “Thank You” drops his salute and then he is gone. I never got his name but sure got his message.
Hey Eric,
Six minutes before aforementioned “meeting” and I didn’d need to/ shouldn’t have read your post either.
Thank you for sharing such a moving video. I’m forwarding it to my friends and family today, Memorial Day.