I am president of a fly fishing club and we had a meeting last night. Ever since Covid hit and we had to go to Zoom meetings, the attendance at those Zoom meetings was way down from what we used to get at our in person meetings. I expected that as we are a ‘graying’ club. But then the virus threat toned down and we started having in person meetings again late last year. Unfortunately our attendance levels stayed ‘way down’. about half what we used to have. So, I decided to have a Taco Bar Picnic at the restaurant, with hopes of increasing the attendance. The club paid for the food, everyone had to pay for their own drinks. This did increase attendance, about half again as much as we were having, but not as much as I had hoped for.Anyone else belong to a club and if so, how are your attendance levels?Larry —sagefisher—
“I would not belong to any club that would have me as a member.-uk”------Better time spent on the river in solitude anyway… —and yes many thing have change since to COVID facisco all so shameful … —made a bunch of fearful people mostly those that were not responsible for themselves to begin with… — Just MHO and fact…