Clouser Swap

I suspect this one will fill up real fast.

Clouser Swap

2 color or 3 color your choice

Size your choice

Colors your choice

12 tiers tie 12 flies each

Signup deadline:MARCH 1, 2009

Flies due to me deadline:APRIL 1, 2009

As you sign up try to let me know which fly you will be tying and what
size hook you will be tying. This helps everyone to know what size box to use.

Be sure to ship your flies in a box big enough and strong enough to
hold the flies you will be getting back.

Enclose it along with a return stamped and addressed envelope
into an envelope strong enough to hold it all.

No metered mailing strips please.

Don’t forget to toe tag your flies.

Please let me know when you ship your flies.

Also please mark your envelopes with your online name and the swap name.

I will PM you My Shipping Address as you sign up for the Swap.

Please let me know when you receive my Address.

At the end of the swap please let me know when you receive the flies back.

Above all else have fun with this swap. John


1----bassman–#10 Chartreuse and White Mini Clouser*
2----scubatim–#8 red over white extra select craft fur clouser 3xl streamer hook*
3----shorthaul–#4 34007 Tutti Fruitti kinda half and half*
4----Kaboom1–#2 Chartreuse and White*
6----Greg F–#6 baby bass Clouser*

*=You received my addy.

**=You shipped your flies.

Hey John I have been thinking of tying up some Clousers most likely Smallmouth sized can I get in? Ill let you know a size and colors later.

hi bassman—can I jump in this one?----#4 34007 Tutti Fruitti kinda half and half

scubatim and shorthaul, you are both in thanks for joining. I will PM you my shipping addy shortly please let me know when you receive it. Thanks again John

I’ll play. I will tye a Chartreuse and White size 2 for bass.


Brad, you are in thanks for joining. I will PM you my shipping addy shortly. Thanks again John

I’d like to join this one.

Clouser pattern to be determined… maybe a foxee clouser… just not sure.

I convinced the local library to buy his book… I’ll have to go borrow it again.



Roy you are in thanks for joining. I will PM you my shipping addy shortly, please let me know when you receive it. John

John I have decided on a red over white extra select craft fur clouser on a size 8 3xl streamer hook.

I want to join. I will tie a baby bass Clouser, size six.

scubatim, thanks for the update, thanks again for joining in on this one.

Greg F, You are in. I will PM you my shipping addy shortly, please let me know when you get it. Thanks again for joining in on this one. John

This swap is now half full. Thanks to all of you that have joined in so far. John

6 spots left I know there must be others out there that would want to add some clousers to your inventory before spring. This is your chance to add some. John

Thank you to everyone who has joined this swap. Please take a look at this thread,, where you’ll see my message regarding the passing of bassman. Rosemary called me last night several times and asked me to cancel this swap.

So, as of now, this swap is closed.

Best regards,

John thanks for the update and I truly am sorry for the loss of our friend.

Put me down for a black and white Alpaca clouser. An ugly thing that works for the bluegill on the mill pond. Dan

If it is still open I’d like to get in. Size 1/0 favourite of antiguan yellow-tail snapper.


"Rosemary called me last night several times and asked me to cancel this swap.

So, as of now, this swap is closed."

For those not in the know…