Do any of you have on of these, or any “Clear Creek” products at all? I’ve never seen any of their stuff “in the flesh”…and wouldn’t mind a few opinions before I consider this bag. $149 ain’t cheap!
Howdy Zug ! I had a Clear Creek bag a while back, somewhat smaller than the one you indicated. I found it to be pretty good quality. I used it for about three years for my day gear, sanwich, fly box, first aid kit, various small items, etc. It was holding up very well. I traded it to one of my buds for something, I can’t recall what. I imagine the bag you’re looking at is pretty good as well, though a bit pricey. Thing is, I think most everything is pricey. Ya basically get what you pay for in most cases. Incidentally, Zug Bugs are one of my three or four always go-to flies… …ModocDan
I can’t speak for that particular item you’re looking at, but I have a Clear Creek waist bag (like a big fanny pack) that I used all last season. I LOVE it. Its very good quality, very durable, and I really liked the mobility I had while using it. I would totally recommend it.
I also have one or two Clear Creek fly-fishing vest packs. I’ve only had the opportunity to use them a few times, but they really seem well thought-out and of very good construction.
In short, I’ve only good things to say about Clear Creek products.
I have 2: One of their earlier small gear bags that I have used as my grab & go bag for the past four years or so and their shoulder satchel ( that I use for a variety of things, including my travel organizer for trips - tickets, maps, reading material,etc. I really like both. They’re well made and have held up well.
I use a Clear Creek waist pack alot and really like it.
I also have a Clear Creek vest that I like as well as anything out there.
I also have a Clear Creek rod tube I bought for a TFO rod that is fantastic.
I’ve found the CC stuff to be as well made as a couple of the other “well-known”, higher brand name packs. My waist pack has been thru the ringers and still works like new (although a little discolored from being dropped in mud, etc, LOL). If I found another pack I liked from Clear Creek, I wouldn’t hesitate to purchase another.