I read some threads somewhere on how to clean Vintage Pflueger Medalist Fly reels. I have a 1494DA and would like to clean old grime and dirt from it. Any suggestions on how I should clean and lubricate it? I thought I read the threads on our site.
I would trust this guy with any reel I own.
Clean Reels.
Good one Joe - nice to have that info out there and available to all.
You may also want to check out the thread on Sound Off on PFoot rebuild and upgrade of a Medalist. Might be the way to go and get a beautiful reel to fish with the rest of your life.
I use a solution of Simple Green and water, ~ 30%/70%. Scrub the reel with an old toothbrush and this solution. You can soak any metal parts in this solution to free up any tough dirt or grease. Avoid soaking the plastic parts for any length of time. A short time is OK.
I am surprised this has not been mentioned yet but try some gun cleaning patches and WD-40, pipe cleaners and small brushes along with the simple green solution. Then lube her up with Hot Sauce. This does not require leaving the reel sit and soak nor dry overnight. Also will not remove the patina and destroy the value of a collectible reel.
To each his or her own.
While on the subject of what lubrication to use on a fly reel, I noticed on the installation instructions sent by Bill from One-Pfoot on the installation of his drag foot, that he recommends that you lubricate both sides of the drag plate with a light grease such as Quantum Hot Sauce. I guess I better locate some and have it on hand. I had wondered what lubrication he used when I removed the spool of the “pimped” reel and saw a red color lubricant used on the drag plate.