Cleaning Up

For 2007 I decided there is no way I am going to clean up this bench. Just to much fun adding to it and messing it up. :lol:

A very safe, happy and healthy New Year to all. … lution.jpg

Steve (Rookie)

Uh, Rookie, there is no way that is a messy bench. There is only one layer of stuff on top, there needs to be at least two layers, preferably three. You also have to many neat drawers and places to store stuff. A neat tying bench is the sign of a sick mind. Quick, throw some marabou and feather fuzz around, string chennile all over your lamp, spill head cement in three or four places and drop an open box of 100 size 20 hooks on the floor. Now your bench looks like mine before I start tying.


There’s no mess there. If only I had a digital camera, you would get a good laugh. I have 3 layers of materials laying on my desk.

Ree, you know you and flyswapper are right. I guess that gives me the right to go get more materials. At least that is the reason I am going to give my wife. :lol:

Steve (Rookie)

I agree with the above assessments and criteria. :lol:

Yep, just today I had to clean the top two layers of five off my table just to find the materials I wanted.

What! no ‘Lava lamp’? :shock:

That is a very sick way to show us up!! Pretending to have a messy bench, shame, shame, shame on you!! May your Sally Hansons spill into your beads and leave you with a bit of pop art!! I have to stir the top of mine to find what I want!! :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

RG, Five layers!! You, Sir, are my hero.

Rookie, that excuse should work on the Missus as long as she doesn’y tie flies. Tell her it’s for your mental health. Gotta have more stuff. If, like my VEE, she also ties, then keeping her out of the fly shops is your main worry.


  1. On a proper fly desk the desk should not be visible.
  2. If you can see the surface of the desk it needs more stuff.
  3. While mess is desirable, mess should not exceed a depth that will cover the bulb of your Ott light.
  4. Living things on and around your desk can be kept at bay with some stragically placed moth balls.
  5. Neatness and flytying is an oxymoron.
  6. Fish hate neatness, Your flies should refelct this theme.
  7. You can’t have fun and be neat . You can have one or the other but not both.
  8. You can’t have too many drawers in your desk.
  9. Hooks need time laying around among feathers on your desk to properly bond. Otherwise harmony on the finished product just won’t happen. A happy hook is a hooking hook. I always sometimes nearly say.
  10. There is a bottle of some potable concoction missing from your picture, perhaps a small keg of rum would round out your picture a little better.
  11. I have too much time on my hands.
  12. While you were wasting time cleaning up you could have tied 1109 yellow sallies.
  13. Worst of all if your wife sees so much neatness, you will be spending lots more time making sure the garage, your shop, your closet etc. etc. etc. etc. is similarily cleaned, you will have no time to fish.
  14. There are lots more but my head hurts. :?
  15. The lid on your Sally Hansens must be off to achieve any kind of buzz at all.
    Ps. I believe your status as Rookie may be in jepardy!

Gnu Bee Flyer;
Right on the money!! You Da Man!!
Take that Rookie!! :wink: :twisted:

3 layers? 5 layers? Hah! I am a fan of the 7-layer salad approach to fly tying. My fly tying resembles archeology.

layered and warm regards,

Now I really feel bad. How can I possibly shed my “Rookie” status when I can’t even mess up my fly tying area properly? :?: :oops: :evil:

However, it does look worse this morning :smiley:

quite a set up… I would not touch a thing… did notice you not only have all the fly tying tools and supplies you need but you also have a bed near in case you need a nap to inspire you…



The bed beside the tying bench is either to get me out of hot water or because I am in hot water. :oops: