Christmas Tree Fragrance?

What type of freshly cut Christmas Tree–ie-Douglas Fur, Blue Spruce, etc., etc.

  • Has the most Pleasant Fragrance?

  • Has the most Intense and Far Reaching Fragrance?

In general I think I like the firs better than most. I am terribly sensitive to perfume however and a few years back we got a tree from a local shop and it had been sprayed with scent of some kind and I had a bummer of a reaction to it. The headache lasted for days, by far the worst headache of my life.

The store swore they had done no spraying, but it remains the only tree I have ever had a reaction to. It was bad enough I cannot pull myself to sniff another.

Unfortunately all our trees are either trucked in or local spruce. The local spruce start dropping what few needles they have immediately. Often the trucked in trees are dropping them even faster.

For me it’s the Douglas Fir. Here is a link from the University of Illinois Extension regarding types of Christmas trees. and another from the National Christmas Tree Association.

Noble Fir for us. We get a permit from the Forest Service every year and go out and cut our own.
