
Has any body seen or heard from chrisdindover? I sent him a MO in the amount of $80.00 for an Orvis Battenkill reel that he had on the for sale board. The MO has arrived according to the USPS. I have sent him a PM and have not received any answer or the reel.
I am of the old school where a person’s word is what they will do.
Still looking for my reel Chris.
Dick xfishcop

I have dealt with him for a sale - no problems. Not sure when you sent the MO. He is a college student and this is the season for spring break. Could he be out of town?

Blue Dun,
Thanks for your response. The MO arrived in Delaware on March 6th according to the USPS.
Dick xfishcop

Ditto! Something must be up!

Still looking for chrisindover and a Battenkill 5/6 reel.

From his profile; Last Activity: 03-18-2009 04:34 PM

He has been online.

Still no response from Chrisindover

I would PM the administration here and inform them of what is happening. I pray that nothing bad has happened to him and there is a logical explanation for this. If he has just taken your money and skipped out then he has probably broken the law.

Guys, some of you have the name wrong. It is Chrisdindover , not Chrisindover. :slight_smile:

Sorry I didn’t put the d in Chrisindover when I asked if anyone had contact with him.
I still haven’t heard anything from him nor have I received the reel that he agreed to sell me.
Thanks Dick xfishcop

Hate to say it, this is not looking too good. I have been watching it.

That’s too bad - I hate to see things like this happen. This is also why I prefer to use PayPay. At least they have a mechanism for getting your money back.

BlueDun, you might want to let everyone know what the mechanism is for getting your money back if this happens to them.

If you shipped the MO via USPS, the postmaster general will get involved because it is mail fraud. They have a way of getting to the bottom of the issue.

i sent you a p.m. call me if you have any questions.

Hey you guys are great. Thanks for the PMs.
I have copies of the MO and delivery confirmation. I will sit on this for a short time longer to give Chris the opportunity to make good. It would be a shame to have him mess up his life over a simple thing as this.
Thanks again to everyone who has responded.
Dick xfishcop

It would be a shame to know that one’s integrity was worth only $80.00. BUT, that is jumping to conclusions. Maybe there IS a plausible reason for the delay. In MY eyes, it would HAVE to be a GOOD ONE.


First you contact PayPal to file a dispute, but you have to do it within 45 days of sending your payment to the seller. If the dispute cannot be resolved within 20 days of the dispute being filed, then the issue becomes a claim and is investigated. If you do not want to go through PayPal, you could have your VISA company reverse the charge. My husband went through dispute resolution for a non-fly fishing item and received all of his money back.

Still looking for Chrisdindover or a Battenkill 5/6 reel from him.
Dick xfishcop

You have been more than patient. He could have been on 3 spring break trips in the time that you have waited for him.