
The official/unofficial mascot of the 2007 MI Fish-In.
Thanks to Drew ( ZimRX) what brung him.



And dubbing in any colour to boot!

I second the “Awwwwwww” comment. Can’t get much cuter. What kind of dog is that?


That is actually my wife’s dog it is a Shi Tzu and earns the name Chewy, my wife told me to watch it because they sell for thousands of dollars on the black market, but he was well taken care of, I did worry about Marco trying to sneak him into his car :smiley:

Hey Drew, I did notice you always had Chewy “in sight” when I was playing with him :). I took about 25 pictures of him and will gladly send them to you if you PM me your e-address.


What a cute little dog! I’m glad it’s being brought up the right way, to be a Fish-In Dog.
Doug :smiley:

cute dog, about a size 6 hook?

We have three of those. :lol: One is very shy and loving, one is the Alpha dog (female) and Bud the third one is a psyco dog. We love them all .

Ps. Out here in the west we keep them indoors till they are fully grown as they are in great danger from owls. A friend of ours from Spokane lost hers to an owl right off the front lawn and right in front of Her. She hadn’t been warned of that. So please be careful with yours.