cheap used reel

I am looking for a cheap used fly reel to use in a simple outfit for a young disabled friend of mine who wants to try fly fishing. I have a few old rods that he can use, so the reel can be anywhere from a 3 wt to a 7 weight. I don’t even know if he will like the sport, so I don’t want to spend very much for the reel, and it can be old and ugly, as long as it is functional. Anyone have a reel that they want to sell cheap?



​Try the Goodwill website they usually have lots of Martin and some Pflueger and Japanese reels for reasonable prices.

Great idea! If I don’t hear of a cheap reel here, I’ll give your idea a try. Thanks!!

I’ve got 3 that have been looking for a new home. Will send 'em if you like. 1 is an old Martin Auto, 2 is a Crystal River, and 3 is a home made, if you can believe. If you don’t want them, just send them forward.

I have several Pfleuger 1494’s, in various conditions from Good down to Well Worn. Some USA made, some Japanese. PM me your address and I’ll send any or all of them up there. I’m in Littleton, so postage should be cheap. My treat.

Thanks to all who have contacted me and offered to help. Looks like I have a reel that is being sent, so I’m all set.

Fly fishermen are kind human beings.


We also have lots of cast offs lying around.

We’re all set now for a reel, so thanks to everyone who offered to help. My little buddy and I will try to get out later this week to some local ponds for some casting instruction. He may even catch his first fish (panfish) on a fly!