CDC SWAP the first I am hosting


Tie any fly you choose the only requirement is that CDC is one of the materials used in the pattern.

Sign Up deadline will be Feb.1st Deadline for flies to me will be March 15th.
That way you should get them back for the beginning of the Spring Season.

This will be for the first 12 tiers to sign up. You will need to tie12 flies of any pattern you

As you sign up try to let me know which fly you will be tying and what
size hook you will be tying. This helps everyone to know what size box to use.

Be sure to ship your flies in a box big enough and strong enough to
hold the flies you will be getting back.

Enclose it along with a return stamped and addressed envelope
in an envelope strong enough to hold it all.

No metered mailing strips please.

Don’t forget to toe tag your flies.

Please let me know when you ship your flies.

Also please mark your envelopes with your online name and the swap name.

I will PM you My Shipping Address as you sign up for the Swap.

Please let me know when you receive my Address.

At the end of the swap please let me know when you receive the flies back.

Don?t forget the only 2 rules
Rule #1 Have fun
Rule #2 The pattern must contain CDC

I will be tying a Shuttlecock
Hook sz 14 Thread black Rib fine copper wire Body peacock ice dub
Wing natural grey CDC Thorax orange dubbing
This fly should be deadly on trout as well as surface feeding panfish.

1 scubatim sz.14 Shuttlecock
2 ibrb sz.16 spider Received
3 nyfisherman sz.16 bwo emerger Received
4 Ron Eagle Elk sz. CDC and Elk Grannom Received
5 Bill Dorgeloh sz.16 emerger TBD Received
6 Bassman sz 14 CDC Corn Fly Received
7 TyroneFly sz.14/16 CDC vinyl ribbed spider Received
8 Albannach Detached body yellow may
9 Yonkes sz 20 CDC Compara Trico Received
10 Baitwaister TBD
11 Hap TBD Received
12 Setnhooked TBD

I would like to join Pattern TBD Size 14 or smaller
My determination is a CDC Spider. size 14 or 16. Tim I receved address thank you.

ibrb your in let me know when you decide on a pattern. Thanks for joining this swap.

i would like to get in with a bwo emerger sides 16

nyfisherman your in and thanks for joining

Okay, I’m in with a CDC and Elk Grannom.

hi all, Haven’t joined a swap in years. I’m in I’ll tie a #16 emerger of some sort.

Bill Dorgeloh
Fredericksburg, VA

Ron and Bill your both in and thanks for joining

I would like to get in if I can with my CDC Corn Fly in a size 14. Thanks John

I would like to join in on the swap. Size 16 or 14 cdc ant.

I would like to contribute to this one a detatched body Yellow May on a size 12 or 14 Sedge hook. I might chuck in a Liffey Special Emerger on a size 16 as a bonus fly as well, postage I will need to discuss with you but we will get something sorted out.

I would like to join in, but I understand the problem with the postage-costs. US stamps are not available here, and the Dutch stamps will hardly be accepted in the US.
So if this is ok with you I will just send the flies to an address provided, and I do not need to receive any flies back. Consider is a form of support.
The flies I will tie are somewhat smallish CDC flies.
Cheers, Hans.

I wouldnt mind getting in on this one If you’ll have me.

Not sure what I would tie yet. Seems I saw a pretty nice caddis pattern using CDC in a magazine of mine. Might try something like that. I’ll let you know for sure.


I’m in if there is room. Don’t know exactly what I will tie yet but will let you know.

I’ll take a space if there is one… Fly TBD

I’ll join in there is still room - pattern TBD.

Thanks for hosting!


Is there any reason why my post was ignored?
Just wondering…
Cheers, Hans

Oh sorry Hans my bad this is my first time hosting and right after I posted the swap things got crazy at work. No not a good excuse but I am very sorry.

No worries, was just afraid Dutch were being discriminated…:wink:
But if you PM your address my offer to contribute still stands to sponsor your first swap…
Cheers, Hans

Hans trust me I love the Dutch I will PM my addy and thanks for not only understanding that I am a dumb ash and also for your support for my first hosting.

PS once I get my flies tied for the CDC Swap I will host another and before I post it I will send you another PM with an invite to insure that you will be in. See I love the Dutch…