Got a haircut at lunch and had 20 minutes to hit the SPGC entrance lake today to go after a few bluegill. As soon as I started fishing I noticed large splashes along the banks at the deeper 2/3rds of the lake. I mean ther was something of notible size going after something close to the shore like withing 2 feet of it. This was going on all the way around the lake. After watching for a while I decided that the active fish were channel cats starting at a couple pounds and some having tails that were six to eight inches tall.
Has anyone else seen this or know what was going on? I have a thought that maybe they were going after spawing bluegills or the eggs.
I went back to the golf course entrance lake again for lunch today and the big splashes were still going on around the lake. The water was a little clearer and I could see smaller fish scatering like they were being chased. Tried a few flies without any luck. Chart. Wooly Bugger, Chart. Popper and a Worm Fly. Seem like the bigger fish are driving the smaller ones against the bank so maybe they are bass. Is that a logical assumtion?
Got the bead chain clausers and will give them a try tomorrow! I’ve been using my 6’6" 2 and 5 wt rods but I may bring a 7wt tomorrow! These fish are big!
Went back to the lake again and what ever was feeding on the banks had stopped. Did manage to catch a pretty little bluegill on #10 Bead Chain Clouser. Fished it about 4’ under afloat just past the drop off.
I’ve seen a lot of similar activity in close to shore with major splashing and some really huge fish but it’s been spawning carp that were responsible. I watched a bass fisherman casting a big minnow lure into this melee for almost half an hour. Needless to say, he had no takers. 8T
I was fly fishing some bluegill beds yesterday, and saw a few catfish cruising the shallows. I didn’t see them chasing anything when I could see them, but there were occasional “attacks” into shallow water around other parts of the pond. Could’ve been bass doing that, but the catfish were definitely there! I did catch a channel cat on my fly rod out of that particular pond last year. A dark-colored wooly bugger (brown, purple, or black) took 3 channel cats in the 22" range for me out of ponds last year.
That would be a dream come true. I’ve fished for channel cat my whole life, so I know what kind of fight they can have. Just started flyfishing. I can’t imagine what that would be like on my #5/6. Probably something similar to hooking a speed boat on my Shakesphere heavy action baitcaster!