Catch of the Day

Stopped in to Jimmy’s this morning to pick up some fly tying material. As usual, I inquired to Jimmy if he had gotten out in the past few days. He and his wife had drifted on the Snake River below American Falls Reservoir, SW of the Idaho Falls area.

They had a good day streamer fishing for both trout and smallmouth bass. ( You warm water guys probably want to stop reading here, or at least close your eyes - smallmouth bass in the Snake in SE Idaho ?? )

Anyway, Jimmy was fishing a double streamer rig, with a J.J. Special* trailing a Lite Brite Clouser*. He got a take by a 19" bow on the upper streamer. After playing the rainbow for a couple minutes and getting it close to the boat for netting, a smallmouth bass charged from behind and underneath the boat and chomped down on the trailing streamer !!

Jimmy managed to land both the rainbow and the smallmouth. If that wasn’t the Catch of the Day, I can’t imagine what it would be !!??


P.S. Otto - if you are out there - Jimmy described some huge carp near the shore of the river where they were fishing. I know you asked about where in OHIO, which doesn’t often get confused with IDAHO, but maybe you should be asking …

  • Available at Jimmy’s All Seasons Angler - 208-524-7160 - - if you visit his website, you might want to take a look at the updated Fishing Report. It will give you some ideas of what we have to deal with around here on a regular basis. And don’t forget, Jimmy takes phone orders, so if you don’t have a local fly shop to support, you can always spend some bucks in this neck of the woods.