Castwell the omniscient

Some years ago, I put on my ‘Carnak’ hat and peered into my crystal ball. The future of fly fishing drifted up from the fog and I saw it all. Yes friends, your J Castwell was there and here is/was my report.
Now, the future is here,ORVIS has done it!
Here is my link from FAOL 1998

And here is the link from Oregon, 2008


Thanks for the info JC. I have gotten a headache just thinking about it. Gives me the feeling that a storm is brewing.

I wonder what happens when someone comes through in a drift boat actually doing some fishing?

I can’t wait to try the windmill!

Your abilities as a prognasticator (gesundheit!) are uncanny! :smiley:

The FFF and other fly fishing organizations use a land based casting game called the Danish Games (no not named for the pastry). The impact this game has on fly casters is to increase their casting abilities and to point out areas of casting where they may need more improvement.

This Orvis thing could have the same benefit if it is utilized that way.

I know few of us need to improve our casting :rolleyes: but it never hurts to keep the arm muscles tuned.

Larry :smiley: —sagefisher—

I hope this course has CARTS !!

JC. What fishndave said. Jim

What’s next? The Theme Park’s New mascot?
how about Mickey Trout?:mad:

GOD help us.

There is an article in the Jan/Feb issue of American angler showing this course in Bend at the old mill mall.

Say caddy do ya think this is a 7wt or an 8 on this hole? Never mind just give me the Tree Trout pole and stand back! How far do ya think I can drive that Ball fly with a 3wt? Gimme that two handed spey 11 footer, this is a 100 yard drive. Fish! What fish? What the @#$%^&* does this have to do with fishing? We’re into some serious string flinging here.

open a store-within-a-store that will sell Beretta shotguns and other accessories for upland game hunting.

so…in between each casting spot will be a wing-shooting stand, right?

leaving the real river empty of competitive “anglers”.

woo hoo!!

In an earlier time, you would have been burned as a witch/warlock/sorceror/fortune-teller.
Nowadays, you’ll just be buried under snow…

Warm regards,