This noon at Chico Creek estuary. Particularly nice fish. Rather large and in great shape.
Now THAT is one happy camper!! Good goin’ JC!!!
Details please!
Actually I had a devil of a time with the thing. Every time I would get him in close so I could release him, a school (pod) of other fish would come by and he would find renewed energy and take off with them. Into my backing several times. That is not a very big fly in his snout. Size 6 I think. Actually ended up causing his demise, a buddy wanted him.
Nice fish JC.
Great fish JC Congrats
Nicley done, thanks for sharing
Wow! J.C. that is a dandy! Congratulations!
Me thinks there might have been a little skill involved in that.
Nice fish.
That is a fine looking fish. Nice to see your getting on the water. You and LF deserve it.
We’re blown out over here. That rain that brought the fish in, also blew the river. The color of chocolate milk and pretty high.
EXCELLENT!..Good to see that big smile on your mug.
JC, Your grin reminds me of a kid in a candy store…
Very nice JC—what did he eat?
Picture is fine, but next time we want video.
Way to go JC. That is one monster of a prize you landed.
Way to go JC…what a pretty fish. Bet that things weighs more than all the fish I caught this fall…congrats.
Good job! That’s one more fish than I’ve caught in the last several months. Damn work…
My first thought on seeing that picture was, “Hey Chum, Who’s that you’re with?”
Way Bad JC!!
It really was good to get out and pester some fish. We are going Saturday morning, about 8 or so, to still be fishing the incoming tide. (the fish come in with it). My problem is that the ‘Sons of Norway’ are having a Lutafisk (yummy) dinner from noon to 5pm and I want to go. Then I host the chat at 6pm my time too. Busy day!