In the absences of my mentor, Joe “Julia” Valencic, I have endeavored to carry on the bread making colors. Since I am mourning the absences of my mentor I decided not to make anything flashy or elaborate. So, on Independence Day, I baked a two pound loaf of simple white bread in honor of my missing mentor.
The return of my mentor is anxiously awaited as I do not know If I can pump out the bread at his incredible pace! I do pray that flybinder will take it easy on me as I am the newbie to the world of the “Sunbeam miracle bread machine” but being a vet I ought to know better.
Dearest Fallen Fly Fisher;
Of course, you well know, I’d NEVER say a single THING, “sarcastic”, “rude” or even slightly in the vein of “picking on” anyone. Just, not my style. Too sweet, coy, shy, demure, quiet and probably even downright virginal, to do such a thing, as everyone well knows.
However, I can only PRAY that this “lapse”, as it may be called, that you’re currently having… where you’ve forsaken the love of the long rod, for flour coated hands and buttery shiny cheeks, in your quest to fulfill a longing for an absent mentor, I’ll attribute to and forgive you, based on that awful sinus infection you’re currently battling.
Such an illness can do awful, awful, things to a man’s judgment and common sense I’m sure.
Perhaps maybe reading the latest issue of “FR&R”, or a like, publication as you wait for your bread dough to rise, will at least help you in keeping "one foot in the sane world and still give you pause to continue your baking.
Whatever, the outcome, PLEASE KNOW that you have friends on this board that think highly of you and if it’s needed…IF by some heart wrenching reason, it comes to such things… I know that an intervention, done purely through friendship, would begin without hesitation.
“Dearest Fallen Fly Fisher;
Of course, you well know, I’d NEVER say a single THING, “sarcastic”, “rude” or even slightly in the vein of “picking on” anyone. Just, not my style. Too sweet, coy, shy, demure, quiet and probably even downright virginal, to do such a thing, as everyone well knows.”:roll::lol:
We won’t discuss what happens to the dough when you have a severe sinus infection like this and then sneeze while making bread. EEEWWW!
I ended up looking like Casper the friendly ghost with an attitude and Niagara Falls nose. Gross!!
Well, I don’t know what ELSE, you’d expect Eric!?! I mean, YOU DID mention and admit, after all, that “Stinky-Oven God-Valencic” was your mentor and teacher in making bread!?! So, obviously, you were merely following his precise ingredients list.
Seems to me, to be rather “harsh” that one must contract a sinus infection, merely to follow a bread recipe “exactly”, but whatever.
At least this explains, finally, the many claims Stinky has been making about his recipe being… “A good bread, that sticks to the ribs and fills you up!!”