Carnage PMX SBS

Never a big fan of the original which was pretty much a collection of materials that tended to soak up water tied on a substantial piece of iron.

hook - WFC Model 28 #10
thread - UTC 140 olive
core - 8lb mono
tail/underbody - elk hair
abdomen - 1mm foam olive
thorax - peacock herl
legs - medium rubber black
wing - Congo Hair white
hackle - grizzly dyed olive

Part 1

Put a loop on one end of the mono

Brush hook shank with Super Glue; tie in mono

Clean, stack, measure (about 2 1/2 times hook length) a clump of elk hair; trim butts/tie in, hook loop end onto gallows (I have no idea what it?s focusing on in the second photo)

Wrap elk up core and back down

Tie in foam strip (want this fly full-figured so I cut it about 1/2 hook gap width)

Brush underbody with Super Glue, wrap foam up to base of tail, increasing tension to create slight taper

Brush on a little more Super Glue and wrap back down to tie-in point; tie off/trim, trim out mono

Part 2

Tie in a hank of CH; cross-wrap then post up

Tie in hackle (shiny side out) on post; tie in legs

Tie in some peacock herl

Twist around thread, wrap thorax, finishing at base of wing; tie off/trim butts

Wrap hackle down post, cup-side up, finish and let it hang down; tie down hackle at base of post

Half hitch x 2 at base, SHHAN

Trim legs, trim wing


You do SUPER work Scott!
…lee s.

I totally agree! Extremely well done!