Ha ha , Chris you had me fooled. For a moment there I thought someone was actually going to talk about the Canadian election. Something most of us up here try not to do. I should have known better :oops:
In the States it seems that they take forever to vote. It takes years in fact to elect a new Government down there.
Up here in the great white north instead of voting every 4 years the Prime minister calls an election whenever he feels like it. Then two months later we vote.
Your absolutely right about selecting new fly fishing gear Chris. It is a far more complicated procedure than the Canadian election process is. :mrgreen:
Our elections are much more fun. Canadian elections all seem to feature politicians who have plans and know what they’re about. How boring is that?! I mean go ask the average Canadian Prime Minister to point out some far-off, exotic, minor country like say…hmm… Germany, and their finger will go exactly to the correct spot as if moved by some sort of intelligent force. Wow! Is that scary, or what?
It’s much more fun having candidates who think that they can merge military and foreign policy experience by shooting hoops at an army post or only know the locations of 5 countries that don’t have cross-hairs on them. C’mom Cannucks, you don’t know what fun your missing…
Deanna, if this counts as political, please feel free to delete it.
Ed, who is being just a bit less than serous in the first pair of paragraphs.
Nick…we have Healthcare for everyone here in Ontario.
We don’t pay at Hospitals or Clinics or the Dr.'s Office.
However it is not “Free” as such, we all pay through taxes etc.
It just means that you are not saddled with insurmountable debt
if you are struck with a sudden illness or accident.
Carry-on with your discussion about the erection …err…Election.