Cabin Fever is setting in......

Alright, i’ve just gone over the edge. Last nite with the wind blowing 25 mph and the ambient air temperature being a balmy -10, I found my self stringing up my rod, setting in the corner and staring at it. Then after awhile I broke it back down and took the top section and and started doing the piece of yarn casting thing (something i saw someone talk about on here, actually kind of cool?)…pieced in the middle of that i have been obsessively paging through fly-fish mags and catalogs, all of which i have pretty much memorized at this point… any body else reached this level of madness yet??

No maddness here. I have another hobby that helps me get through Fly Fishing withdrawls. I suppose I am in the Minority on FAOL but it works for me.

The most healthy solution :wink: to fly fishing cabin fever…at least it helps me…is fly tying.

Agree with the fly tying…that does seem to stave it off to some degree…

Take up fly tying, only problem is is cast’s lots of $$$$. It helps a little bit. I do house projects in the winter.

I am feeling the cabin fever too, but luckily I am able to sneak away to a tailwater once or twice a winter, but it isn’r the same as during the summer. I also tie flies.

Since K3’s is in SD…not so expensive especially if he harvests his own hair, feathers and fur.
At any rate even if he/she doesn’t, it’s readily avail free…you just have to ask.
This doesn’t include prime dry fly neck hackle of course. :lol:

namekagon-- you wouldn’t believe the # of pheasant tails and deer hides/tails I get offered every year…seeing where your from I’m sure you dont have much trouble tracking down any fur either.

There are only two seasons of the year. Fishin’ season and rod building (and fly tying) season.


I feel your pain. I have sharpened all of my knives,cleaned my fly lines, cleaned cork handles and fly rods, sorted flies into the proper fly boxes, and it is only the 12th of January. Fly tieing helps alot. Tuning into FAOL help even more.

Although if I want anything squirrel I have to shoot my own. It’s really something I hate doing! :wink:
Squirrel season is over too by the way.
I did buy Mr Best’s book…I think…on dying materials so something more to keep my mind on the straight and narrow.

That’s a VERY FUNNY last line! :smiley:
Doug :lol:

You have got to be kidding me right?
You live in So. Dak and its only -10?
You must be a very young person to allow -10 to affect your winter play time. My contemporaries from So. Dak all recount -30 and somthing about 7 miles uphill both ways and a school in June with chest deep snow. Im not sure what the heck they were talking about but it all sounded like they had a good time.
Get out your snow mobile and go to the nearest frozen over lake and then go out on the ice and cut a hole in it. Its called ice fishing :smiley:
Heck, go out and shoot some supper(stay away from the angus herd down the road, some ranchers are narrow minded). :evil:
Get all of your gear ready for breakup (thats what we used to call the ice melting up in Ak. :smiley: )so that you can get on the crick first. :wink:
Get up, get out , do somthing, do anything. :lol:

For sentimental reasons…I love Kansas!
BTW Doug…how’s the trout fishing in Oregon these days?

Here’s a suggestion: Go to the What’s Cooking section and cook up something super. Lot’s of great stuff to suit each and all. Get out of your rut.

The Archives are loaded with wonderful goodies :lol:

The trout fishing in Oregon has ground to a halt!
Were having the coldest temps of the winter and there is NO WAY I’m going anywhere near the water!
Seriously, Fish & Game is still on schedule with their trout stocking. Mostly Ponds, some lakes. The Coast lakes have good trout fishing, because the water is warmer there, than here in the valley and central and eastern Oregon.
In my opinion, the trout in the coast lakes are in the best condition of the year, because the coast lakes get too warm in the summer.
So I would say come on out next month or March, but check on the stocking first.
I would like to see a SHOW OF HANDS for calling this month OFF! and getting on to February! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
Doug :smiley:

LF…finally a smile on this site! :slight_smile: I’ve tried eating both.
Nothing can be done with coot but smoked carp is palatable. HA!

It should be rod building and fly tying season here in Maine but due to the warm weather we’re having the rivers are still giving up trout :smiley: Not that I’m complaining.

My cure for the Shack Nasties, head down to Tullahoma, TN for a couple of days fishing with Warrenp. Then do it again in mid March with some of my flyfishin’ buddies form here.

Doug and mosca seca…I wish I could feel your pain since there are no options here including trying out the new/used rod.
Thanks Jack…you’re not helpful either! :frowning: