Bye for a little while!

Tomorrow is moving day. I hope I can come back with the same user name (moniker.) If not, I’ll sign off with an AKA Lotech Joe. Most everythig is packed, but the house it definately not ready to entertain. What a mess! It’s been quite a chore, and Lady Lotech has been a real trooper. Moving is such a pain. Oh well, better digs await.
Ta Ta For Now,

Moving is a PAIN!, so take it as easy as you can.
I hope you and your wife will be very happy with your next home!
Doug :smiley:

I have seen you show up with a trailer full of firewood and camping gear, put up a palace where none stood before all in the space of about a half an hour. (Who could ever forget that giant tent? ) Then pack it all up and move into new digs the very next day. So I don’t worry about you and Mrs. Lowtec moving into new digs. Piece of Cake.
Good luck my friend, say hi to Mrs Lowteck for Me.


Joe may not be online yet, but the move went fine. His old place was empty by 11:30AM and I was back at my place by noon. He had a lot of good help. Joe and I are practically neighbors now. The upper Spokane will never be the same!!


lol, tks for the report Jeff. :smiley:

WHAT? You and Joe???
I feel sorry for the FISH!!!
Good Luck!
Doug :smiley:

I’m back and jeffW is right. That was the quickest and smoothest move I’ve ever experienced. Lots of hands make little work. I am however, using a different internet provider. MSN is still good till probably the end of the month. But Comcast put together a better package for us so we are using them instead. I just hope I don’t have to re-register on FAOL. We’ll see what happens when March rolls around. Anyway, it’s good to be back. Even if I was gone for only a couple of days.

Glad to hear it went well, Joe. Should be no problem with Comcast…I have to switch between Comcast and Time Warner about every 6 months and there is no problem…well at least in that regard :roll:

Looks like the transition to Comcast is going well. I could still log in. Now let’s see if I can update my email address.

I have had issues with Comcast and they have fixed every one of them.
They have great Customer Service.
Good Luck!
Doug :smiley:

All the bumps have been smoothed out. Life is good.

I don’t know about you but when I make those switches and all is smooth …I get this warm glow…well, maybe it’s the stuff I’m using to toast myself 8)