Anyone have a good BWO emerger recipe they’d be willing to share? I’ve got a feeling I’ll need some in the next couple of months. Thanks.
Here’s one to start with, the Barr Emerger. Good and simple. … s/1277.htm
I really like Ross Mueller’s Fuzzball for BWOs.
This pattern has done well for me. I also tie it using a Gray thorax. … merger.htm
Here are a couple more:
Sometimes I’ll use a biot for the body.
I can’t post a picture of this one, but here’s the recipe:
Z-lon shuck tail (gray or tan), olive turkey biot body, razor foam wing pad, dun cdc ?wing?, partridge legs, olive dubbing thorax
Tie in the z-lon tail/shuck. Tie in and wrap the biot,(“notch” left for a smooth body, although the raised rib effect probably won’t bother the trout). After tying off the biot, tie the razor foam in as you would for a feather wingpad. Next, tie in the CDC by the stem. Dub the thorax and tie in a couple of partridge fibers for the legs (beard style). Fold the cdc stem over, tie off, clip, then fold the razor foam over, tie off, clip, and whip finish. Fish.
How about one from right here?
Dub - That is a nice emerger, it was tied by the late Ron Koenig (Osprey) who was a regular correspondent on this site. I never met Ron in person but he and I had quite an exchange of info on spiders etc, he is sorely missed, a fine fly tyer.
I would think a spider pattern with an olive dubbed body and a dun coloured soft hackle, tied with a gray thread, would work nicely. Similar to the pattern posted above, but with a soft hackle rather than the clipped version.
- Jeff
Thanks for all the replies thus far. It seems I’ve been missing out on some dynamite patterns using turkey and good biots. I’ve used them for tails but not for bodies. I’ll have to get some olive and sulphur colored biots. sign up for the newsletter. Watch for the pternarcy nymph and adult.
Hello everyone, great topic. My first post here and I get to post about my favorite fly. I like cdc emerger patterns and I fish cdc emergers almost exclusively when fising a BWO. Here’s a few I like. … merger.htm
- I like this one for a smaller midge-like pattern.
Heres some other good Baetis patterns: … tterns.htm
-I like the one on the bottom right, but without such a large head.
Here’s my favorite:
Taken from Trout flies of the West, this little soft hackle has just about replaced all my other baetis emergers. It works great as a dropper behind a tiny Adams or ParaAdams. Try it in the seams and eddies. I’ve caught bunches of fish with it on the Clark Fork in the fall. Here’s how I tie it:
Hook: TMC 900BL
Thread: Black 8-0
Shuck: Amber Crinkled zelon
Body: 3 strands Black and 1 strand peacock Krystal Flash, twisted into a rope.
Thorax: BWO Superfine dubbing
Hackle: 2 turns Starling Breast feather.
Give it a try. I know it’s a fish catcher.