BWO / Beatis Swap !!!!!!!!DONE -- PICTURES POSTED!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got a digital camear, so heres a link to pics from the swap, let me know if it works and how they look.

just click on the album, then on slideshow.

Thought it might be nice to have a swap for blue winged olives since I enjoy the flies and sometimes do pretty well with them. Tie what you like: dries, emergers, nymphs, wets are all cool. I think I’ll just tie a simple parachute, maybe with wonder wings.

lets make it for 12 tiers.

Flies in the mail by March 15.

Please everyone send your flies in an envelope and box big enough to hold the flies you will be getting back. Also please enclose a self addressed envelope with return postage to send them back to you. I will be shipping first class mail uninsured unless you request otherwise. Please toe tag your flies with the name Of the fly and your name and email address.

Mail the flies to me at:

Rob Creamer
910 Greenfield Rd.
Leyden, MA 01337

Let me know what you think / if you are interseted.

And please post the fly you will be tying.

Hope to see some cool flies!!!

  1. Me - Parachute BWO
  2. dough - nymph
  3. DianeID - Dry BWO
  4. Vulture6 - Quill Body Spinner
  5. MarkKillam - BWO Sprout Emerger
  6. cklenske - paintbrush BWO hackle stacker
  7. wireguy1 - quill body bwo dry
  8. Normand - Barr BWO emerger
  9. Aftershaft -
  10. Ibrb - BWO Starling Wet
  11. Harleybob87 - bwothrox
  12. hcmiller - BWO Dammit! Emerger

Sign me up for a nymph.

I’ll jump in with a Dry BWO.


I’d like in on this one, but I’ll need to check my supplies to determine exactly which pattern I’ll tie - but if I have enough it’ll be a quill body dry.

dough, Diane, and Vulture6 are all in, thanks for joining.


what the heck…another swap sounds like fun for me :D. I will be a tying a bwo sprout emerger variation …gonna have to see what hackle I have to decide on the size.

Thanks for joining MarkKillam, good to have you.

I’ll jump in with a paintbrush BWO hackle stacker in a size 16.

How’s about a quill body bwo dry.


:smiley: RC,
Paintbrush BWOs are tied and tagged. Too cold outside to do anything else. -30 wind chill around here. Just need an addy, and they will be in the mail this week. Thanks.

Brrrrr CJ! I guess thats as good an excuse to tie as any. Can hardly wait to see those paintbrushes, thats a pattern I really like and have been meaning to tie some of them myself. I added my address to my first post.

I’d like to get in on this one.

Put me down for a Barr Emerger-BWO.

I see you are from MA. Where is Leyden?

hey Normand, Leyden is on the northern border, pretty much where the corners of VT and NH meet MA.

thanks to everyone who joined so far

Sign me up as “TBD” for the time being.

you’re in aftershaft, thanks for joining

Finally made it to the post office today - been a hectic week for some reason. The flies are in the mail, and should reach you by the first of next week if not sooner. Might depend on the weather between here and there. Everyone seems to be hit with severe cold weather, snow, or both.

Paintbrush BWO Hackle Stacker
Hook: Mustad 94840 #16
Thread: Olive 8/0
Tail: Olive Z-lon fibers
Abdomen: Olive paintbrush fiber
Thorax: Olive fine and dry dubbing
Wingpost: 7x tippet
Wing: Dunn hackle tied Hackle Stacker style

It’s a neat little fly I just discovered in the archives here. It’s a challenge tying the hackle this way the first few times, but once you get the feel for it, it goes pretty smoothly. I think it looks like a good little fly the will produce some fish this spring. Looking forward to trying it out.

A few extra flies included for the swapmeister’s efforts. Thanks.


count me in with a BWO Starling size 18 soft hackel

>Everyone seems to be hit with severe cold weather, snow, or both. <

Not possible. I guess you’re not following all the summits and news about global warming??? :slight_smile:

Sounds like a unique fly!

BWO Starling soft hackle flies shipped 2/12/07

I signed up early but left it TBD. I’ll be doing a quill body spinner.