Butterfly is dead

Some of you knew her. She died last night of congestive heart failure.

I did not know her but my condolences on your loss.

The Chronicler

I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Butterfly was a beautiful puppy, a wonderful friend and companion to you. She will be sorely missed.

Of course I remember Butterfly. a brown(spotty) and white bolt of lightning running between attendees of MIFI I and II(?) . In any case, I too have lost pets…and understand your grief. Somehow, try as we may, “they” can never be replaced.


Dana Perino of FOX NEWS also lost her dog “Jasper” last week. When a pet is lost, politics should take a rest.



I’m so sorry! Butterfly was a wonderful pup! I remember you two from our visit to the MIFI years ago.

You’re in our prayers!

John & Vicki

Thanks everyone. I passed a woman walking a dog who looked like Buttterfly yesterday and had to pull over but I have visited the Humane society and will be bringing home a dog tomorrow.

I’m sure the pup you pick at the place will be inspired by your heart. Butterfly will be looking down pleased with your choice. I cried when I read this because I have a place in my heart for all our life partners (some even human).