But, what weight rod would you NEED?

The local news leaves out so MUCH “important information” on stories like the one below… such as… "What type FLY was used? “Dry, wet, nymph,emerger, sub-imago”…what?
What weight rod? Action? WF or DT, line?
Poor reporting, if you ask ME!

(From KATU Channel 2 News wire)

Police in Tokyo, Japan have arrested a man they caught using a fishing rod to reel in women’s underwear from laundry lines.

Akira Hino, 51, was stretching out a fishing rod to catch the undergarments on a hook.

Police found more than 500 pairs of women’s underwear inside his house.

Hino reportedly told police he developed the habit of stealing underwear when he was 18.

I’m sorry you posted that story :rolleyes:, but I am happy to report that after an exhaustive, comprehensive search, I found a link that address’s the exact same subject;http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.slycraft.com/underwear-title3.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.slycraft.com/underwearrepair.htm&h=377&w=324&sz=52&hl=en&start=47&usg=__bEX_cMyuGqye_nlcLbMWeXJw4DU=&tbnid=v-VavnraU2HN4M:&tbnh=122&tbnw=105&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dunderwear%26start%3D40%26gbv%3D2%26ndsp%3D20%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN

That was way too funny,( good find ) BTW How much $ lol lol

he certainly didnt believe in “catch & release” :smiley:

I must be an old guy, since the underwear alone never interest me it is what they are on that gets my attention and it’s not the clothes line of which I speak. :rolleyes:


I have to agree


Doug I don’t even want to know how you made the leap from Womens undergarments to Dirty old mens tattered and torn underware. Thats a stretch even for you. :roll:

Paul it was a 15’ Spey Rod with 8wt peach colored DT silk line ( to blend in )
He used a #2 barbless Wooly Bugger on calm days and a Pink and white #12 Peasant tail nymph emerger on windy days.

He at first tried using spinning gear with a wedding ring but found that the owners of said panties took one look at that wedding ring,then demanded more of a commitment than he was able to give.

I really have to wonder how Gnu Bee acquired this INTIMATE knowledge of the gear used ?? Almost sounds like he was there !!

John, you obviously, have not read GnuBee’s latest book!!!?
“Kinky Dreams And Other Things”, (subtitled;“I Need To Go Fishing, REALLY Badly”).
GnuBee states in his book…(chapter #2, page #8), “The Art of Undies Angling”, is best done with the following equipment", (then he lists what he’s listed in his post above).
Evidently, it seems, his book has become a huge seller in the Orient, especially around Tokyo.
The chapter he dedicates to rubber chickens, mayonnaise and a feather duster, is one you really need to read also. Quite instructional, really. However, he doesn’t mention what one is supposed to do with the live penguin “afterward”!?

Sooooooooo … Gnu Bee stole a chapter out of Akira Hino’s life ??

Hi Paul,

Akira was obviously not a true sportsman. He should have realized that a pair of bloomers is far too valuable to be caught only once. The bloomers should have been returned to the line so that others could have the thrill of catching them. Catch and release should be applied to all aspects of angling no matter how perverted. BTW, good to see you back on line. 8T :slight_smile:

Gnu Bee…I am almost sure the guy used either a “San Juan Worm” or “Sneaky Pete”!! :rolleyes:
BTW GB…what power binoculars DO you use? :stuck_out_tongue:

Quote Gnu Bee Flyer; “Doug I don’t even want to know how you made the leap from Womens undergarments to Dirty old mens tattered and torn underware. Thats a stretch even for you.”

I believe, deep down, that this was merely a political protest, to decry the utter WASTE of silk to make frilly lacy stuff when it could be used to make fly lines. I for one vote for fly lines. Let those lingerie models go naked for once.

Talk about ulterior motives ??!!

The best search engine on the Web: DShock::slight_smile:

When my Dad was young, Grandma would darn his socks (with a light bulb), every time they got holes in them. Early in my parent’s marriage, my Dad (only once), asked my Mother to darn his socks? My Mother didn’t respond positively to his request. LOL