bumbell eyes

what size eyes are used on the hook size i have to order every thing out of a catalog and the sizes xxs-xl thank you

That question is a bit difficult to answer since we do not know what size hooks you have, the flyrod/line you’re using, the water conditions (i.e. still water or a fast moving stream), and how you want the fly to behave (fast or slow sinking). If you gice us more information, I’m sure there are folks here who will gladly share their opinions on the size dumbell eyes you should buy. So:

what size hooks are you tying on?
what types of patterns will you be tying? (nymphs or streamers etc.)
what weight rod/line will you be using?
will you be fishing in moving water, if so how fast
are you trying to get the pattern to drop right to the bottom or slowly drift down?

Jim Smith


For your ‘first time’ get some of all of them and experiment. They are not expensive, and you will eventually use them all (I’d probably skip the ‘XL’ size unless you fish large flies or very fast or deep waters).

There are no ‘rules’ as to which size you use.

As Jim pointed out, it all depends on what you need the fly to do.

Good Luck!


Your first experiments should be with beadchain.
You can get it at hardware stores in several sizes or at Hobby Lobby in a small size only.
You get ten times as many eyes as you would with dumbell eyes.

thank you all i thing i will try the beadchains first