Buggers, what's happening?

So I’ve been fishing wooly buggers pretty much primarily. And the last few times out I’ve noticed that the fish, being bass and today a carp. The panfish still hit em like it’s crack. But anyways, the bass follow my wooly buggers, but won’t strike them. Maybe just because thier nesting and all, and they think thier chasing them away? I dunno.

And today, I Went to a local pond that I know is full of carp. Was exciting, even though nothing was interested. I’ve been targetting carp in rivers while wading. Much different when on a bank and thier in a nearly still pond. So, I’ve tossed the flies, trying to get the bugger into the “feeding zone”. The last fish I threw the fly too, seen it move and came beelining for it. Well, I was bringing the bugger in slowly, and stopped. The carp got so close to it, then took off. What gives? My wooly bugger stink or something?:slight_smile: Just when I was about to hook my first carp, it takes off. Bah!!

So what’s with the bass following the bugger but no strikes? And the carp? Maybe the carp knows about my posts, and wants me to stay unhappy:)


If you’re getting follows but no takes, try subtle changes in presentation. Strip faster, slower, pause longer, etc…

If that doesn’t work, go one size down and see what happens.

What gutbomb said. Vary the retrieve until you find the trigger. Also, they may hit it in the pause between strips, and you may not even be noticing (the part of the cast you can’t see, anyway).

Carp are…finicky. Good luck.

Same thing with me and buggers but with gills. They would follow it and wouldn’t hit it. Then I slowly lifted the fly out of the water so I had a couple feet of fly line out from the tip and the rest was all leader. I guess it seemed like something about to hatch and take off from the surface because the first time I did it the fish went nuts…so I would cast strip and until and raise the fly worked almost everytime…kinda a boring way too fish, so I hung it up after a short time…but give it a try once and see what happens.

I would go to a smaller tippit, and/or a smaller fly. You might also try the same fly in another color.

Sometimes fish get persnickety. I don’t know why, but when they do, usually just a small adjustment will turn them around.

Follows and no takes can also mean: right fly, wrong size. Go down a size.

I’ve noticed lately that if I speed up a woolly bugger just enough that the bluegills won’t hit it, the bass usually charge it! So…maybe they want a bit quicker retrieve?

Carp…no advice there, I’m still looking for my first fly-rod carp! :smiley:

I’ve tried speeding it up, usually, the bass take off. The carp definitely do.

Big bass, over 14", and a small bugger, size 14. Think it would still need to go down a size? Seems fairly small to me for a bigger bass. I’ll give it a shot anyhow.

At any rate, I’ll switch colours, and size, and retrieval speeds/methods.

Thanks a ton guys,