FLIES MUST be a BUCKTAIL PATTERN or have BUCKTAIL used in the pattern. ANY size hook.

1.)Open to 12-PARTICIPANTS including me.

2.)SIGN UP UNTIL February 28th.

3.)DUE DATE March 31st.

4.)If you don’t make the deadline, your flies will be returned.(I will make up the missing flies)So don’t PROCRASTINATE!!!

5.)Each Fly must be labeled/toe-tagged.(Name of fly,Your Name,KNICKNAME & Email Address.)


7.)Please provide a return package with appropriate return postage and labeled with your return address.

8.) Tye 12 flies so we all get a complete set and it makes it easier for the swapmeister to sort the flies.

1.)Kahuna-James Wood Bucktail-http://www.buckeyeflyfishers.com/fly_tying/james_wood/james_wood.htm

2.)HMD-Silver Shiner Bucktail-RECEIVED
3.)okieflyfisheman-Ant Carol-RECEIVED
4.)Flyrodde-No Name Smelt-RECEIVED
5.)Mike Harsh-Silver Brown Bucktail-RECEIVED
6.)namekagon-Mickey Finn-RECEIVED
7.)kayakfish-UMPQUA Special Bucktail-RECEIVED

8.)lakeerieangler-Mickey Finn-RECEIVED
9.)White43-Viking’s Streamer-RECEIVED
10.)lee s-surf-candie type thingie bug-RECEIVED
11.)George Emanuel-Delaware River Shad Fly

Tie any type of Bucktail you want. I don’t care if we have 12 variations of the Mickey Finn :!:

KAHUNA :smiley:

Well I have enough swaps on the go but I can’t tie enough with bucktail. I’ll let you know what I’ll tie, It’ll be an original creation. I’ll size this one for trout and panfish.


Thanks HMD :smiley:


Kahuna I’ll get in with something. Let you know in the next couple days if you can put up with me for another swap.

SURE!! It’s an honor to have you join :!:
I appreciate your participation :!:

KAHUNA :smiley:

I’ll tie a Skip Morris pattern called the “Ant Carol” just to do something a little different (at least for me) Thanks for letting me join in.

Hook: Light wire, standard length to IX long (standard dry-fly hook), sizes 12 and 10
Thread: 8/0 or 6/0 thread-color should echo body-color).

Abdomen: Red-orange synthetic dubbing (or some other ant-color, typically black or brown) poly, Superfine, Antron…

Wings: Brown buck tail.

Thorax: The same as the abdomen.

Hackle: One,(whatever color imitates the natural).

May I get in on this one? I’ll tie a pattern shown to me by a local used for landlocks in the spring. Not sure if it has a name, but its fun to tie and has to work in more water than just here. I’ll just call it “No Name Smelt” for the swap.

I have an idea for a pattern I’ll call it the silver shinner bucktail. I’ve had great success fishing yellow perch, rainbow trout, and Brown trout on a few other minnow paterns I have put together like this one.


Hey Kahuna,
I’d love to join another of your swaps. I’ll be tying the Silver Brown Buck if that’s OK.

THANKS :!: :!:


OK I’m a glutton for punishment…I said my 2nd swap wud be my last. :wink: Please sign me up for a Mickey Finn of course.

What are string tags vs toe tags?

Hi I would love to enter with the:

UMPQUA Special Bucktail:

Head: Red
Tail: White Bucktail
Body: Yellow rear and ,red wool front
Ribbing: Oval silver Tinsel
Wing: White Bucktail
Shoulders: Red Goose Feather
Throat: Dark Brown Hackle

Thank you :smiley:

String Tags have a string attached that get all tangled up …NOT GOOD!!! :evil:
KAHUNA :smiley:

[b]namekagon & kayakfish you are both in :!:

Kuhuna :D[/b]


Lets get this swap filled :!:

KAHUNA :smiley:

Flies are finished. I will put them in the mail today. Thanks for another great swap.

Ant Carol

GREAT!! Looking forward to receiving them!

KAHUNA :smiley:

