Buck's Bags amazing warranty

I was going to sell my large split chest pack here on FAOL if I could but when I started taking pics of it for the post I noticed a factory flaw. Mind you I bought this chest pack 4 or so years ago but never used it. Well I just got off the phone with Buck’s Bags out in Boise, told them the story and the response was to the effect, ‘oh, send it out and we’ll fix it on warranty’…I said, ‘welllll…I bought it a few years ago and don’t have any paper or anything…’…the guy gently interrupts with, ‘that’s ok, we’ll take care of you, in fact send it straight to me’…

Is that good service or what? I can’t even prove when I bought it or for how much. That’s what I call an unconditional warranty ! Looked around their website whilst getting the toll free and had no idea all the great stuff they make. Ok, that’s my ‘atta boy’ for the day.

