If money was no object, where is the ONE place you would like to fish before you die?
If you wish to expand on it and take someone along, who would that be?
We can all dream can’t we?
You know, I’ve never been a big destination fisherman, so my knee-jerk answer to that question would be that it mattered more that I was fishing rather than where. If money were no object, I think I’d spend it bringing together the FAOLers I’ve met but not yet gotten to fish with on some little stream somewhere. The company I keep has always meant more to me than anything I’ve caught and released.
Wow, what a nice idea, Bluegill. Very thoughtful.
Honest, I was just about to post the same thought
Wow, that would be great to do.
I think I would have to go across the ditch to see Montana, and Oregon. As to company, I have a couple of good mates here I’d love to take, or a couple of FAOLers I would love to wet a line with.
Can’t really think of anything much better than that.
But, that aside, I am also not a “destination” type. To me fishin right here in the good ole is fine enough. My bucket list would only contain a request for time to continue enjoying same.
I would take my entire FAOL family with me to Scotland. I want them to bring their families too. Of course, Since we are “Over There” and money is no object, we would have to visit Germany and Italy too. Heck, lets just take a fly fishing trip around the world.
Alaska. And if I could have but one person to fish with it would be my father who passed away 8 years ago. Nobody else on the water but him and I. I miss our times we shared in the wild places hunting and fishing.
Always wanted to go there. Been to Australia but on business. No time to fish. If I had it to do over, I wouldn’t have missed it.
If I had unlimited resources, I think the first destination fishing I would do would be taimen in Mongolia. Spend a season or two there, until I got tired of the smell of yaks or my arm fell off.
Second would be Kamchatka for steelhead, third would be either NZ or South America somewhere for some trout.
My old roomie and fishing buddy Greg deserves a trip to Mongolia. He is spoiled in Alaska.
I would love to fish Ireland with my good friend Eamonn.
There are so many wonderful places to go. And now I can only dream of them. Too many places, too little time. I wish I had fished more.
If I were physically able to do it, I’d love to slip over to the Wind Rivers and do a horsepack trip to all those lakes I’ve heard about. I’d take my friend Smitty with me, and we’d both learn some new tricks. He’s been a faithful friend for 40 years or more. Most of our fair land I’ve seen only in pictures, but from them I’ve formed the opinion that we have some of the most beautiful country, and best fishing in the world, and we needn’t travel too far, or spend too much to enjoy it. I would like to take a look at lower Chile though.
Too many places in this world I would like to fish. I would certainly like to guide my Father, along with my brother Steve on one last fly fishing trip. Want my kids and wife along too.
Always like them to see and experience the beauty I see !!!
I’d love to take VEE to New Zealand, meet up with Jeff, Mike and other NZ FAOLers and some of the lads from Australia and fish for a month or two, or three.
My wish for me is to fish with this young boy again, when he is full grown, after the kindness and wisdom of his grandfather
has blossomed from within him.
Actually feeling and seeing within his eyes his living a life to it’s fullest without any fear.
Being able to see the young happy heart he carries with him today blossom and bond lasting friendships.
Knowing that our great nation had rebounded early from the rough times
of today allowing him to live the same dream his father has.
I digress:
[FONT="Comic Sans MS"] " A Day In His Life"
[i]A day starts early just like his.
It begins with wonder.
Each accomplishment carries content.
Able to work, play and live his life.
To know that he knows and is pleased.
A day ends with satisfaction.
More pleasure need not be realized.
A day in my life.
Thank You, Dad
So make that on a Sunday 12 noon in Idaho, Henrys Fork at the bridge outlet in Island Park
His 3 and my 4wg ,mathews sparkle duns and PB&J for lunch.
Money no object! [FONT=“Book Antiqua”]
The day is all ready and in the making!
I have alway wanted to fly fish for the big Brookies in the Minipi area of Labrador Canada. If there are no restraints I would go with my dad who is no longer of this earth. He is the one who taught me to fish, and we chased big brook trout throughout Nothern Michigan the U.P. and Canada all on family vacations with a travel trailer. We also caught a lot of other fish on the way.
I tryed talking him into coming with me to Saskatchwan,Canada when his was in his late sixties to catch big grayling and a host of other fish. He was of the mindset that you did not pay to play, but rather you studied maps and had to be willing to walk farther or work harder than any body else to get your fish. Maybe He is right although that does not seem to be the way our sport is heading
Fishing the waters of the caribbean - don’t care what species but professionally guided. Nights in a comfortable lodge with dinner being the freshest of fish and local fare.
Not real big on traveling - so I would use the bucks to have friends from around country and the world come play in my backyard, which ain’t all that shabby when it comes to trout fishing. Included in my list of friends would be my son and his three children.