
SPEND SOME of the money and replace the SMURF field!!!
It really hurts my eyes! :smiley:
Colleges are always replacing their fields and maybe BSU could get a good deal on EBAY! :smiley:
Boise State Fired a shot for the entire WEST against the evil eastern empire! :smiley:
Doug :smiley:

Doug… the SMURF field remark got me laughing and remembering… several years ago my uncle, who is an avid Penn State fan, turned on the TV while PSU was playing at BSU. To his dismay, the field was blue. Drove him nuts… he wiggled this and jiggled that… adjusted color, brightness, etc… still, the field was blue. After being agitated the entire first half, he went down to the electronics store at half time and bought a new TV. I wish I could’ve seen his face when he plugged it in, hooked up the cable and saw… yep… the field was still blue!!!

Thanks for the good laugh!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Doug :smiley:

Funny story HazMat!

I believe I heard the chairman of BS explain why he decided on a blue field a few years back. He wanted every visiting team to know that they were playing on his turf so they would know they were the visitors!

This is one of the letters to the Sunday Oregonian.
Was it the best ever? Hard to say, but it was a fantastic game. To me it was like watching a Rocky movie, only better. It was a perfect example of why college football is so exciting.
Where else would you find such daring and drama? And a coach and team who were willing to put it all on the line for one final, win-or-lose shot? And do it with such bravado.
Boise State AND Oklahoma deserve a rousing round of applause for a fight to the finish.
Frank Blitzer
Lake Oswego, OR

FOX Sports channel is replaying THE GAME again and it still puts a smile on my face! :smiley: