Broken tip & casting quality

If you broke off say 5 to 6 inches of a rod tip and just repaired the tip by adding the tip guide would it significantly change the casting characteristics.

If so what would you notice?

How much could you remove from the tip of a rod before you would notice a difference?

I don’t know.
I don’t think I want to know.

I’m with JC. If I broke that much off the tip of a rod wheather I could tell any difference or not I’d probably pitch the rod or send it back for warranty repair (if it was covered). Just knowing it had a fault would screw with my mind.

If it’s still under warranty, send it back. If not, it’s a relatively simple repair, and the first guide would just about sit on top of the repair. It would add a little weight (don’t know exactly how much … 1/2 inch of graphite? what would it weigh?). If it’s just a fun rod, or used as a back up, I wouldn’t worry about the precise difference in casting or weight difference.

I think it would cast similarly to a non damaged rod but would not develop as much line speed. It would also dampen less when you were playing a fish. I’d use it until a beter alternative was available.


Jerry, I take JC’s answers in order to mean…“no” it wouldn’t change the characteristics so I’m not going to let it screw with my mind :smiley:

This has been my go to rod for many years and has probably had two end sections replaced [who can remember]…but the last time the tip broke so close to the last guide that a tip guide replacement was almost perfectly positioned…[Betty]…so I elected not to spend the 40 bucks…

Anyway I’ve been practicing with it and some other rods and just got to wondering if there was actually a difference that I couldn’t appreciate…

Oh boy, here I go again. I think that busting about 4 inches off of most rods would improve the way they cast…FOR ME! :smiley:
(I like faster rods) :twisted:

Me too, JC…and I found out on another thread I’m considered still a novice…and not only that I started out on a Fenwick :roll:

I broke 5 inches off a 2pc 6wt and rather than get it repaired I cleaned the break up and put a new tip top on. I have not noticed a bit of difference in the casting of the rod. But I am not an expert caster. Medeocra at best. But it does not seem to have hurt anything. John

  1. years ago i broke an 1.5 inches offgarage not a favorite fiberglass rod(broke in my garage not fishing). I reglued the tip but the rod did not cast the same. It soon was put in storage


Some folks don’t understand the difference between ‘faster’ and ‘stiffer’.

Shortening ANY blank, either from the butt or tip, makes it SLOWER in ACTON (to get the same ‘flex’ requires a larger percentage of the blank).

Shortening any rod from the TIP makes it STIFFER (takes more weight to get the same flex).

Good Luck!


There is a nice article on repairing just such a break. … part2.html

I have repaired several rods using this excellent article and found little or no differnce in casting.


When changing the length of a golf shaft it makes a significant difference if you take it from the butt or tip…a little from the tip will definitely change the frequency/flex/stiffness…the same amount from the butt will have practically no effect…I suspect it may be the same with fly rods.

I would have thought on a fast-action rod, it would make a noticeable difference, as only the upper portion of the rod loads during casting. On a slower action rod, I could see how it wouldn’t be as noticeable.

That said, I have never tried to repair and cast a rod with a broken tip, unless you count sticking it in a FEDEX box and shipping it to the manufacturer.

I think a broken tip is an omen, it’s the perfect time to get a new rod!!

Take Buddy Sanders’ words on this matter. He’s got it right.

If you want more, go to: Features, Rod building, Common Cents System, Part 1, pages 6-7 (Case 2). Here, this very subject is discussed with objective numbers to confirm the conclusions.

I’d repair it and give it try. If it caught me a nice fish I would love it forever!! :smiley:

My daughter put on that ugly smiley face—not me.

Bill, since this is bumped up…

I can intuitively accept case two…BUT…we don’t know what the original tip was…nor what the new tip is…only the repaired one…how much change was there and in what direction?..maybe no change :roll:
Edited:…I should say rod instead of tip…


I guess I should have also referenced Part 2. The rod in question is fully described as Rod D.

The “broken tip rod” has an ERN of 4.5 and an AA of 55.
The rod, after replacement with a new tip, has an ERN of 3.1 and an AA of 68.

I think you might call that a significant change. :smiley:
