Any way. I kayaked down the river to a good spot I knew. Got the rod out, pulled the leader out so the fly line would come out of the guides and my top section of my 5-piece rod came out. I thought, dang nice to happen now so it didn’t happen when I cast. Only to find out the section didn’t pull out, it broke right next to the junction.
Great. Half way down the river and no rod.
So I decided to rig the rod up without the top section. It was a little different feeling but it flung line just fine. I preceded to have about the most-productive day of trout fishing ever, including a nice 18" cutthroat. Caught fish on dries and soft hackles all day long.
When you get lemons… BBW, from your description of the breakages you’ve had on this rod I wonder if you ever wax the nmale ferrule. If so, do you twist the sections when assembling the rod? Doing those two things will help prevent the tip section from sliding foreward which will result in breakage near the joint.
I had a similar experience several years ago, breaking the tip about five inches below the tip top. Kept on fishing and did okay, but nothing like the day you are describing.
If nothing else, your day certainly proves the truth of your signature - and you got it.:roll:
Don’t know if “I think like a fish” yet but I’m close
Fish was caught in Arkansas.
Rod broke well above the junction. Enough that if it came loose that wasn’t the problem. In fact I don’t ever remember it ever coming loose at any time. Now, some other rods I have had have done that but not this rod.