Hey people,
I was just curious as to if anyone on this board had a broken metacarpal bone in their casting hand. I broke mine last Friday and was wondering how long it was going to put me on the shelf. My doc said everyone is a little different and he thinks about 6 weeks. He will do surgery on it Thursday to put screws in it because it is a spiral fracture and is twisted somewhat. I sure was looking forward to the water levels getting back down to a decent level to start fishing again. But, now I’m sidelined for a while.
I would think the surgery and installation of hardware would increase the healing time by a bit. Not to mention making airport security screening a joy from now on. Everyone heals differently, too. Just don’t push it, this is your hand, and you do not want it messed up permanently.
Now would be a good time to learn to cast with your off hand, and I would suggest avoiding aggressive drill presses in the future.
I broke my off hand (as opposed to breaking off my hand) in Canada on a fishing trip once. Fished the next day, although it’s hard to strip line with a hand swollen to twice normal size. I was fishing with my doctor at the time, and when I told him I thought I had broken my hand, he said “What do you want ME to do about it?”. Just had to let it heal. I don’t recall how long it took, but not very long.
I already know how to cast with my off hand OK. Not very good but good enough. The problem will be line control and getting it wet. I’m hoping that they will put on a waterproof splint or cast of some sort. I feel I better not fish because I’ll just run the risk of extra injury and infection. If there is any consolation to this it’s because I hurt it at work using a drill and it caught and spun around and did the damage. I feel like an idiot because I just started this job on the 22nd of May. I’ve used a drill and much more dangerous equipment with a safety conscious mind. It happened so fast I’m not 100% sure how it broke the bone. The company doc says its a common break and that they tend to heal well. I’ll take the wait and see approach.
I broke my ankle and leg last year in late july had a steel plate and seven screws andsomething called a type rope in my ankle. Doc said I would be out until Feb but I did everything I could do and started back fishing in Dec with his blessing. Just let it rest and then start with warm epsome salt water soking the hand as much as possible then just start trying to move it a little at a time. Also do not forget to ask for physical therapy. After the first 48 hours after surgery if the pain is not bad start taking aleve this will help with inflamation in the muscles. Do not over do it that will cause it to take longer. Good luck. Sorry to hear about the bad break.
I talked to the orthopedic doc Monday and they will put screws in and rotate it back into position. All indications is that this is a common routine surgery. Hopefully with screws and the physical therapy that they have scheduled already I’ll be back in buisiness pretty quick.
Thanks for the encouragement and advice guys.
Broke the fifth metacarpal and on another occasion broke a chip out of the last knuckle on my pinkie on the same hand. As it was my casting hand both times I learned how to cast with the off hand
You can get a cast wet so long as you get it dried right away. Ask the doc if they can put a fiberglass cast on it. A large ZipLoc bag, some duct tape and a little Yankee ingenuity should result in a reasonable water resistant cover. You are going to have to do that anyway when you shower or bathe. I am wondering if perhaps you can modify a XXL-XXXL neoprene fishing glove with duct tape to fit over the hand. Whatever you do please do not give up. You should be in the cast from 6-12 weeks. Keep us posted.
I Broke my arm in Lowell at the fish in. Luckily it was my left arm. I actually fished the next day but not for long. I could cast alright but reeling in was a painful experience. Three days later I finally got a cast on it. There was then no pain what so ever and although I couldn’t use a haul, I could cast with no problem. Reeling in with a big clumsy cast on is not a lot of fun either.
When I learned to cast a bit with my off hand it only took about 4 hours practice over the space of a week and I can now cast with my left hand without a haul for 30-40 feet. Comes in handy when the wind is on the wrong side.
Sorry for your luck or lack there of. The most important thing is that you got and are receiving medical attention right away. I broke and pinched a nerve in my wrist in March and was told I would have to have surgery at that time. I still haven’t had the surgery and now looking to return in September. That is if I have the surgery in the next couple of weeks.
But anyhow the last time I broke my hand in 2007 it took me 6 weeks, the time before that, 1 year including physical therapy.:rolleyes:
But at least I can still tie flies and have gotten a lot better at it.
Hey guys,
I went in today for surgery and all looks great. They said it went as well as can be expected. I saw the x-rays after the surgery and it looked really good. The bone looks like it lined up just like it was before the break.
Eric, trust me I have been trying to think of all kinds of ways to get around the recovery time and go fishing. I think I better stand by and let this heal real good so I don’t have any complications.
Thanks for all of everyones advice.
Good to hear everything went well with your surgery. I am one more stop closer to receiving mine (Worker’s Comp. stuff) hope it won’t take too much longer. I have lots to do around the house that isn’t getting done.
Hey Sean,
Glad to hear you are getting the ball going on your injury. Mine is workmans comp also. I was amazed how quick it all took place.I broke mine on the 30th of May and its now only the 11th of June. I hurt my right hand and I know how tuff it is not being able to get things done. I’m working at work with my dominant hand down and its a royal pain in the butt. I have a helper to do things for me but, its just not the same thing. Hope yours goes as well as mine has so far.